(no subject)

May 05, 2010 14:20

Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Saber
Location: Shibusen City Park
Rating: PG?
Time: August 3, morning
Description: Having run off after Arther yelled at him for not telling Arthur about his magic, Merlin has been living at the park. Now, Arthur (and unbeknown to him, his female counterpart), come searching for the missing wizard.

To say that Merlin was feeling miserable right now would be an understatement. Arthur hated him. His magic was gone. And he was stuck here, in some strange other world that didn't make sense.

Merlin was a mess right now. He was sitting on a park bench, his knees pulled up to his chin. His clothes were rumpled, and his skin was getting horribly sunburned. Even with retreating to that weird eatery during the day, it seems Merlin still hadn't been able to escape the sun.

He should be going right now, in fact. The sun was coming up. Merlin was sure it was mocking him - that face it had certainly didn't help. But ever since he'd arrived here - or, more accurately, ever since Arthur started hating him - Merlin had just been feeling listless and lethargic. Getting up to get out of the sun just seemed like so much effort.

Merlin wished he was back home.

merlin, arthur pendragon, saber

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