Characters: Poland and Lithuania
Where: Poland's apartment
Rating: PG?
Time: Epically backlogged - Morning of July 22, well before the battle started up.
Description: It's Poland's birthday, and even if Lithuania only arrived the day before, it should still be celebrated.
Lithuania didn't think anything could be more inconvenient and, really, completely frustrating than arriving in a new city, a new world, the day before Poland's birthday. First of all, Poland's food stores were woefully low, and of course he couldn't be blamed for not wanting to go to the mall, not when it had a name like that, but to not see if there might be somewhere else to get food... Well, it was just like Poland to not worry about something like that. It had always been Lithuania who kept track of those things, back when they'd been younger, and someone else must have done it for him during the time they'd been apart. What exactly he'd thought he would do here, before yesterday anyway, Lithuania couldn't even begin to guess.
If he'd had any more time, Lithuania could have found a way to get to a grocery store of some sort. He could have at least prepared something Poland really enjoyed. But as it was, all he had was the meager offerings of Poland's pantry.
Even worse than not being able to present more than the most basic of breakfasts was not having a gift. Poland had always loved presents. He'd always been able to make the simplest gifts seem grand, just by the way he accepted them. Maybe it was just the receiving that Poland enjoyed so much, which was odd, considering how demanding he usually was, and how accustomed he was to getting whatever he wanted, at least from Lithuania. The one time he'd denied him something...
It wasn't fair to think about that, not while preparing Poland's birthday breakfast.
Maybe if he'd been able to take Hungary's suggestion and get an apartment for himself, he could have been able to sneak away at some point to try to find a gift, or at least something more to cook with. He probably would still get himself his own apartment, when he had a chance. Perhaps the one next door, if it were empty. It wasn't that he didn't want to be near Poland, after all. He enjoyed spending time with Poland. He'd missed it. But, having finally gained independence, real independence that everyone had recognized, he just sort of wanted something of his own.
Yesterday, though, he hadn't been able to get himself his own place. He'd been too confused, at first, and then Poland had found him and it had been natural to go to his rooms, and then he'd insisted that Lithuania absolutely had to stay the night with him, in that assumptive way Poland had, that of course he would stay, because there simply wasn't any other possibility. Staying over meant he didn't have to sneak back in this morning to cook, and it really was comforting to be able to spend his first night in Death City in Poland's company...
Maybe it was alright that getting himself an apartment would have to wait until this business about battling some Adachi monster was over.
He'd been a little worried that Poland would wake up when he got up and slipped out of bed to the kitchen to cook, or maybe while he was in the middle of making breakfast, but it seemed he'd finished with time to spare. Putting everything onto a tray he'd found in one of the cupboards, Lithuania brought it with him back to the bedside, setting it down on the table so he could attempt to shake Poland awake.