Characters: Cloud Strife (
de_faulty_hero) & Sephiroth (
Location: Casualty Communal Rooftop
Rating: G
Time: July 21st - Evening
Description: Cloud goes to visit Sephiroth on the roof with the battle impending, and their previous conversations not ending well.
It was no longer raining outside, yet it was obvious that there was a palpable air of the battle that was impending, and he still hadn't done anything productive with his day. Really, he had spoken to some people on the forum, but that was hardly anything that he would consider productive in the grand scheme of things. He had made an attempt to practice with the nailbat, but it didn't have the same weight as the Ultima Weapon. He just kept thinking about how little it had done against that monster in the mall.
Cloud sat cross-legged on the rooftop alone, aware that Sephiroth would eventually come up here. The ex-General was always on the roof, and he suspected it was the freedom and the fact it was away from everyone else. He rested his elbow on his knee and his cheek on his hand, but his eyes weren't on the sky but the rooftop floor where the deaden ineffective materia were loose in front of him. He had removed his spaulder and left it in his room, and there was no point in bringing his nailbat either.
Instead, his fingers played over the round orbs in front of him, aware of what they were supposed to be power wise. He gently rolled the materia along the ground with his fingers, watching as they knocked gently together from time-to-time. He liked them regardless of how their power was sealed, one of the only objects that he had which reminded him of home... of Gaea. Maybe after this fight, they would have the ability to cast again because they would be able to return home.
Or were they all just pawns in this little war? Maybe he was becoming too cynical in his old age?