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weapon seeking meister awesomeboots February 22 2010, 00:23:59 UTC
[Lenalee was more than a little bit determined to find herself a partner at this event. From the moment she arrived, she was on the look-out for anyone who might be suitable. Not that she could tell meisters and weapons apart, but still. She had to start somewhere.

Feel free to approach her. Or not.]


for yuuri [filtered voice] awesomeboots February 22 2010, 00:25:51 UTC
[As she was looking, Lenalee also remembered that she had promised Yuuri that they could take the opportunity to meet each other in person. With that in mind, she quickly pulled out the communication device and opened a filtered line for Yuuri.]

Yuuri? It's Lenalee. I'm at the meeting, are you here too?


[filtered voice] a_r0yal_flush February 22 2010, 00:41:17 UTC
[The buzzing in his pocket drew his attention away from his curious observation.]

Lenalee! I'm here as well. Where are you?


[filtered voice] awesomeboots February 22 2010, 01:30:55 UTC
[She comes to a stop by the dessert table and looks around.]

I'm standing by the dessert table, if you'd like to come meet me here?


[filtered voice] + Log a_r0yal_flush February 22 2010, 03:18:16 UTC
The dessert table?

[His tone is questioning as he makes his way through the crowd towards the table.]

Oh! I see you!

[The PDA falls silent.]

"Oooi~!" Yuuri called out as he darted around the few people and waved at her enthusiastically. "Lenalee!"


awesomeboots February 22 2010, 03:21:12 UTC
Lenalee looked up in time to see a boy with dark hair hurrying towards her, waving his hands. She grinned widely at him as he approached. "Yuuri? Yuuri! Nice to finally meet you in person," she said, holding out her hand.


a_r0yal_flush February 22 2010, 03:34:33 UTC
His expression seemed to brightened when it seemed as though he'd found the right person. Knowing his luck, he would have run up to someone else and mistaken them for Lenalee. Sometimes it was hard to get a perfect image of someone through those tiny screens. Still, he didn't think that she'd be so pretty, and the sight left him a little awed.

"It's great to finally meet you in person as well," Yuuri cheerfully murmured as he stopped just in front of her and reached for the offered hand. "Meeting people over the PDA is one thing, but it definitely doesn't beat meeting them in person."


awesomeboots February 22 2010, 03:50:22 UTC
Lenalee chuckled at his words, nodding. "That's certainly true! It's much nicer to speak to a person face to face."

She smiled brightly at him before glancing at the dessert table. "Hungry at all for anything? Everything here looks pretty good. They've set this place up quite nicely for this little get together."


a_r0yal_flush February 22 2010, 04:07:39 UTC
"Ooowwaaah," He sounded in amazement as he saw all of the desserts filling the table. "They really have."

How long had it been since he'd last had these types of desserts? Aaaa it was making him feel nostalgic for Sangria, Doria and Lasagna's cooking. "It reminds me of tea time back at the castle." Yuuri muttered to himself before picking up one of the cupcakes.

His eyes shone happily as he thought of Greta, and he had no doubt that she would have loved trying these things as well. "Have you only just gotten here, Lenalee?"


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 01:52:56 UTC
She nodded, grinning. His amazement was contagious, it seemed. "Back at the castle? You mean in the other world that you feel into before, right?"

At his question, Lenalee nodded. "Ah, yes. I just got here a few minutes ago. What about you, have you been here long?"


a_r0yal_flush February 23 2010, 02:15:24 UTC
"Mmhm yep!" Yuuri cheerfully said before lightly explaining, "Sangria and the others make the best desserts I've ever eaten, but these are really good as well." He couldn't help but enjoy the flavour of the cupcake. It really did remind him a lot of back home and it was a thought that left him slightly nostalgic.

"Not that much before you, really." He murmured while trying not to pay too much attention to the tasty treat in his hand. "My friends are here to look for partners so I thought I'd tag along."

Aaa not that he had to much of a choice given that Wolfram had demanded that he had to go.


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 02:20:59 UTC
She nodded along, quite interested in the things he said, even if he was just describing the small things. "I suppose... This Sangria, she's not here, is she?" She asked, softly. She knew Yuuri had at least one person from his world here, but there had been so many new arrivals lately, she didn't know if anyone else he knew had turned up.

"Not looking yourself?" she questioned, perking up a little. She knew he wasn't keen on joining in on the battle, but she'd at least hoped he'd try to find a partner for self defenses purposes.


a_r0yal_flush February 23 2010, 03:03:46 UTC
"No, thankfully she's safely back home with most of the others," He muttered while thinking of everyone back home. A lot of them had been arriving lately, and while he wanted nothing more than to see all of them, Yuuri still didn't want them being trapped here either. "A lot of my friends have been arriving here though... so I'm not sure if she will or not."

Yuuri shook his head lightly at her question before falling quiet. He wanted to partner up with Sara and help with the battle, but there were so many other things holding him back as well.

"Well... I found one but--" His words trailed off as his gaze lowered. For once in a long while, Yuuri didn't know what to do.


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 03:17:09 UTC
"I'm glad to hear that," she said. "At least she can be safe there. As for your other friends... I'm sure they'll be alright." She offered him a reassuring smile. She didn't know his friends, of course, but she didn't want to see him worry more than he had to.

At his falter and lowered gaze, Lenalee frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder to get him to look at her. "But...? What's wrong?"


a_r0yal_flush February 23 2010, 03:27:33 UTC
"Hm! That's what I think as well!" The reassuring smile definitely did its work, and Yuuri felt himself relax. Besides, there was little point in worrying over those who were safe back home - he had his friends here that he had to worry about.

...Speaking about worrying... he needed to get into contact with Murata.

Yuuri felt a comforting weight fall on his shoulder after his gaze dropped. Peering back up towards Lenalee, he found himself sighing before smiling weakly. "I guess you could say that I'm a little confused." He admitted before gesturing up with his hands as if to apologise, "Aaa but I don't want to worry you with such things!"


awesomeboots February 23 2010, 03:40:30 UTC
Lenalee raised her eyebrows in slight surprise at Yuuri's reaction, then shook her head. "It's not a problem, Yuuri, really. If you need someone to talk to about this, I'm here to help." She tilted her head to give him a concerned look. "Now tell me what's up."


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