alphaspider, &
pure-lineageLocation: Casualty Communal 11 OP
Rating: PG
Time: January 18-19th (Late evening to early morning)
Description: It's time for a celebration after a successful mission. Too bad Kurapika and Sephiroth didn't realize that there were alterior motives for having a drinking party.
Drink me up, ye harties! Yo-ho )
"Don't glare at me," he replied smoothly to his partner, reaching over for another 'shove' against Sephiroth's shoulder. Instead, it was a small one with a combination of subtly affectionate stroking down the ex-General's arm. He knew that his partner was hyperaware of when he displayed any affection in public, and he was hoping to use that to encourage more drinking.
Still, his attention was amused as he regarded Kurapika, and he took a sip of beer and flashed his friend a rare award-winning smile. "Stupid? You're not acting anything like that. Besides, you're among friends, so a little stupidity is just fine. We won't tell." Okay, he wouldn't tell, but Kuroro might take a picture.
"Almost all of Cloud's actions and words are filled with such stupidity, so you've little to worry about," Sephiroth muttered from around the mouthpiece of his can. Hiding an amused subtle smile with the can, the ex-General slipped his eyes closed in a smug gesture before he took another sip to distract himself.
And then he put his hand on Kurapika's head, ruffling the blond's hair before leaning over to put his chin on Kurapika's shoulder. "Seph has a point. Cloud and I can't all take the space for silliness and stupidity here, can we? We'd feel like we were hoarding."
"Cloud and Kuroro can do all the silly and stupid things and leave us out of it, right, Sephiroth?" Spare them any efforts to trick them into doing weird embarrassing things. He was pretty certain that the other weapon agreed with him. It was also one of the rare times he'd addressed the other man directly, even though he still hadn't raised his head from the table.
Immediately, he swung up onto his knees and around to Sephiroth, taking hold of the can that the ex-General was currently sipping from and forcing it to remain there. "For that, you're going to have to drink down the rest of your can of beer right now," he hissed. He purposefully forced the change in his eyes to mirror Sephiroth's as he smirked suggestively at the older man. Oh, he would make him chug this can.
"So long as it does not involve any forms of humiliation, they can do whatever they wish," Sephiroth murmured in reply to Kurapika. If Cloud wanted a happy roommate afterwards, he wouldn't be foolish enough to do anything too stupid.
His eyes widened momentarily before narrowing as Cloud came into his face. The can was forced to remain at his lips, and his gaze remained narrowed as he glared at Cloud from beyond it. Reaching up to grab at the blonde's wrist, he paused at the shift of Cloud's eyes and the suggestive smirk given his way. The look he returned to his partner spoke of his grudging reluctance as he grunted and grasped the can instead to finish it off.
It was almost fascinating how far Cloud could go in making Sephiroth do what the man obviously had no desire to do. It was a good thing that Kuroro only needed to ply Kurapika with a little and his partner was already tipsy.
"Have some more, Kurapika."
The sound of Cloud hissing something made him want to see what was happening in that side of the room, and he turned his head a bit to expose one eye, one bleary eye to peer at the other pair. What he saw made him raise his eyebrows and go back to smushing his forehead against his arm. "Get a room, you two," he muttered, even as Kuroro slid an arm around his waist. Wait, what was happening, wasn't this a bit too close for comfort? Except the warmth was kind of nice, and he wouldn't have to get up to get a jacket or a blanket as the night grew later and colder, but that was far enough, all right--
"No, I don't want to," he answered in reply to Kuroro's wheedling. "I know what's going to happen next. I'll get drunk and get more emotional, and you don't want me to get more emotional, do you?"
Only when Sephiroth was finished drinking it all did he relax his pressure and allow his eyes to return to normal. He plunked himself down beside the silver-haired man with all casualness and set the empty can aside before offering Sephiroth some of his. "A room? What do we need a room for drinking?" He tried not to sound guilty even as he ribbed Sephiroth next to him.
Of course, payback was two fold as he watched Kuroro smoothly get an arm around Kurapika, and he smirked knowingly. "You two are looking pretty cozy over there yourselves," he called over, amused by Kurapika's claim about being emotional. "I want you more emotional, so keep drinking. You're funny when you cuddle back to Kuroro there." Maybe they should get out those fuzzy hand-cuffs?
Forced to finish off the can, he pulled it from his lips when Cloud finally allowed him to. He didn't miss the fact that Cloud was already offering him another one, and he half-glared at the blonde.
He hadn't missed the ease that Kuroro had slid in against his Weapon. While it didn't appear that he was looking, Sephiroth was observing the whole thing. The sight caused him to settle slightly. The other pair were in a similar situation as what he and Cloud had been in, and knowing that both of them could make it even to this point was a comforting feeling.
"Is there something amusing about cuddling?" Sephiroth found himself asking. He had been thinking the question, and it confused him slightly since it was a thought he normally wouldn't have ever asked...
Unfortunately for Sephiroth, though, Kuroro and Cloud had started this entire thing with unsavoury plans completely in mind. A few minutes' visit in a jail cell and two impish friends bored to death tended to do that sort of thing.
"I don't think so. It's just one of those things. Do you want to try?"
Anyway, Kuroro should know just what kind, and he wasn't going to explain and give the peanut gallery anything to comment on, especially not after what Cloud said about him and Kuroro "cuddling". Kurapika stiffened and sat up and pushed his partner's arm off his waist.
"Get off me," he muttered in a voice too low for the other pair to hear.
Ah, so there was at least something going on between Kuroro and Kurapika, no matter how small. The fact that Kurapika had to get a little defensive about it was something he could completely understand, and he made a note to corner his friend when they were both sober to dig out some details but also to offer support on the matter.
Instead, he nudged Sephiroth with his elbow teasingly. "Yeah, go and cuddle Kuroro. He's going to get lonely over there," he murmured, though it was only in jest. He raised a hand and beckoned Kurapika over to him. "If you want, you can come and cuddle with me, Kurapika." Well... if he was offering up his own partner, it was only fair.
He'd been distracted by his thoughts while the others spoke, his mind too absorbed by the cuddling problem, before the elbow to his side broke him out. Blinking once, he turned his inhuman gaze over towards the blonde before grunting and glancing away dismissively. He wasn't going to cuddle anyone but Cloud, after all.
Yet at the mention that Cloud was offering for the other Weapon to cuddle his blonde, Sephiroth's grip on the can tightened, causing the aluminium to buckle lightly under the pressure. The ex-General kept his silence though, and decided to distract himself from the possessive flare by taking another sip.
"Yeah, I'm lonely," he quipped sadly at all of them, pouting in a rather charming way (if he did say so himself) and cradling his latest can of beer between his hands.
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