Characters: Takasugi and Aqua
Location: Pretty much everywhere in Death City
Rating: G
Time: January 15, lunch until early evening or so!
Description: So here they are, on their first official date.
For the first time in a long time, Takasugi had to come to terms with the fact that he was honest to god nervous about something. He was the leader of the Kihetai, a samurai who had faced impossible, frightening odds and survived triumphant, to tell the tale. Yet there he was, standing in front of Aqua's door with his fist up and ready to knock on it, feeling a strange fluttering something in his gut and like his heart was going to leap right into his throat and stay there.
He could do this, couldn't he? Everything was going to be fine.
After about a minute of agonizing, the boy steeled himself and knocked lightly on the door.