dungenessmaster and
justiceisdueLocation: Congo
Rating: PG
Time: January 14th (backdated)
Description: Karkat and Selendis head to Africa to investigate a Witches’ outpost, and their findings are rather ominous
i bless the rains down in africa )
"I would not depend upon them being careless,," she said, stooping down to clear a smaller threshold. The outpost wasn't very large, and every room she looked into had been empty. There was trash and litter, as well as furniture left behind, but nothing damning. "They did not leave much behind, and it appears to be as abandoned as reported."
Despite that, she was still pretty tense. Karkat would point out anything that slipped her attention, but by now she was starting to think there wasn't anything left to find. The main corridor was high enough for her to stand, and she walked the final length of the outpost. There was a large door at the end, and it looked guilty of hiding something important. Too obvious, she thought, but they had to check everywhere.
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