ghostofaqueen and
pure_lineageLocation: Cloud/Seph's apartment @ CC
Rating: G
Time: When everyone is at morning training /o/
Description: Cloud's off doing his regular morning training, and Sephiroth's about to leave the apartment since he can't stand being there without Cloud. Yet before he could accomplish such an action, someone unexpected dropped in on him.
Cloud had left not that long ago for his regular morning training exercise routine, and he had remained behind in the apartment to feed Jenova. He hadn't missed the fact that the blonde seemed to be purposefully leaving the task to him, probably as some form of reminder of the cat being both of their's, but he had long since given up complaining. There was little point when his Meister would simply smirk knowingly at him in order to 'win' his arguments.
The thought had him inwardly sighing as he placed the bowl of food down on the ground for the meowing cat. It didn't take long for Jenova to begin chowing down on the cat food either, and with a shake of his head, the ex-General stood back up before he began heading over to the balcony.
Some things would never change, he thought, but it was a thought that Sephiroth could learn to live with as he stared down at the young feline. Yet there were other things in his life that had changed for the better, and that was something the ex-General was more than fine with. Shaking his head to rid his mind of such foolish thoughts, he felt it best if he simply would leave now so as to distract himself from other such unnecessary things.