
Jan 03, 2012 20:46

Characters: heretolookhot and givingsword
Location: Kaoru's apartment, Casualty Communal 7D
Rating: PG
Time: January 14th, evening
Description: Kaoru has never had a proper girl's night in. Santana comes to the rescue, as always.

The last few days had been a whirlwind of activity for Santana, and it was finally time to chill out and relax. Spend some quality time with a friend in need. Right after work, she went to the store and bought some ice cream of unknown quality, (How are you supposed to tell what's best if they're all puns? It wasn't sold in a plastic bucket, so it was probably legit) something that looked like a Nicholas Sparks movie, and everything she needed for a kick-ass margarita.

She knocked on the door a couple times and waited, humming a Lady Gaga song under her breath until Kaoru got to the door.

kamiya kaoru, santana lopez

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