
Jan 03, 2012 09:35

Characters: Colette Brunel, Kratos Aurion
Location: Near Colette's apartment
Rating: PG
Time: Jan 13th, Evening
Description: Kratos runs into Colette near her apartment and the two have a talk.

The evening had long since rolled in and, in most circumstances, Kratos would've returned home following his duty on The Watch. A walk, however, felt a better idea that night. It gave him a good opportunity to think everything over. Not that the apartment wasn't sufficient for thought, but being out in the open air somehow seemed to make it easier.

Everything he'd discovered those few days ago... Between the different timelines, Cruxis, Renegades and whatever else, the former knight had to write everything down on paper in order to organize it properly. Discovering you apparently lose your own sanity, join a diabolical organization and possibly live to be an age that could only be deemed ancient would make anyone's head spin. It certainly didn't help that Lloyd's explanation abilities were sub-par at best. The girl whose name he'd forgotten to inquire of and Emil had done a far better job of it, at least, but theirs had involved far less detail.

Yet none of that information was the cause behind that unsettling feeling in his stomach. A small frown crossed his face. No, the thing which had made him most unnerved was Mithos, or rather, the lack of mention of the boy. The worlds become reunited, which was wonderful news, but the ones responsible for it was not them. Derris Kharlan should have come, the Great Tree should have been revived and the worlds should have been reunited, so then why hadn't it happened that way? Mithos dying made sense in that context. The half-elf died for some unknown reason thus preventing the worlds from merging due to the lack of someone who possessed a pact with Origin and left no one able to wield the Eternal Sword and then... Kratos went insane, apparently.

That frown twisted into a pensive expression. Even IF Mithos perished, horrible as the thought may be, Kratos would not have allowed himself to lose it to the point that he joined something like Cruxis. Distraught he might've been --if not downright depressed-- but aiding in harming innocents? Not even on his worst day. He shook his head, coming to the conclusion that speaking with Lloyd again would be wiser instead of drawing conclusions that made no sense and giving himself a headache as a result.

As he continued through the streets, his thoughts focused on a less confusing topic: the Church of Martel. A religion named after Martel. It certainly could be possible. The idea that their travels became the basis of a religion somewhat amused Kratos. Oh the things that become altered through the passage of time.

colette brunel, kratos aurion

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