Dec 29, 2011 15:56

Characters: Lord Darcia & OPEN
Location: Anywhere in the city, especially the park
Rating: G to PG
Time: January 12, nighttime
Description: Darcia explores his new home.

Unable and unwilling to sleep, fearing dreams, Darcia prowled the small rooms he had been given to reside in until he was irritable with restlessness. It had long gone dark outside, but he had scorned the habit of daylight hours for some time now, anyway.

Sunlight and flowers, warmth and laughter... the memories were still painful, even if they no longer dredged up clawing madness as they once did. As if to remind him, the socket where his wolf's eye had once been throbbed, a phantom ache. He owed the doctor his life, and at least a better explanation.

He stepped outside the building and began to stray where his feet would take him, exploring lamplit streets and darkened alleys with first disinterest, then, despite himself, increasing curiousity. There was no decay here, no sign of ruins and abandoned buildings left to rot. It even smelled different to what he was used to, even different from the perverse sterility of Jagura's city.

He stared up at the bizarre creature that had replaced his world's sickened moon. This thing would no more power a Moonlight Crucible than a wolf would fly like a bird. No, there had to be some other secret to this place's cleanliness and wholeness. Perhaps... perhaps this world was simply younger than his own, unravaged by time and man's avarice.

Darcia continued to wander the streets, deep in these thoughts.

((OOC: Come and have your character run into him, or catch him staring at the moon in the park, or even just stop him in the street to say hello :) Have fun! ))

lord darcia iii, faize sheifa beleth, aqua, vriska serket

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