i can't tell you what it is, i can only tell you what it feels like.

Dec 28, 2011 20:44

Characters: Sasuke & Naruto
Location: DCH, Building 2, Apt C/D
Rating: R?
Time: Jan 12, evening
Description: Sasuke and Naruto have a confrontation. Feels and injuries ensue.

and right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe. )

naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha

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ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 05:08:45 UTC
He's been moving all day.

Not even all day all day, but all day since before the sun had even considered rising. There was no one to ask for help, but even that, he supposed, was alright. Because every inch of this had been his idea, and every inch of it looked like it could only end in disaster- but somewhere in the middle, someplace quiet and dark, Naruto was sure it would work out. Which is why he'd been up to his neck in boxes, and run himself into exhaustion for hours upon hours- why now, as he's coming in from his last errand of the evening, he can't think of a single thing he wants more than a bowl of ramen and a nice hot bath.

Neither of which, it looks like he'll be getting, given the look on Sasuke's face as soon as he makes it inside.

The groceries shift in his arms, a rustle of paper as his weight shifts, and he lifts a foot. Naruto nudges the door closed behind him before toeing off his sandals, but never once tears his gaze away from the boy in front of him.


hatedriven December 29 2011, 05:14:14 UTC
Sasuke watches, levels his gaze on Naruto. He can't know what he looks like- he's long since been aware of the way he comes off to other people, save careless or violent- but in this moment everything about Sasuke is charged. A tension that holds his body so tightly that the fact he's walking on a wire about to snap is nearly touchable in the silence of the apartment.

"Naruto," He says, somewhere between accusation, expectation, and greeting.


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 05:31:32 UTC

He's never been good at this. In truth, Naruto knows he's never been good at lots of things, but he's out of his depth here. Using words as weapons. The step that follows, of his bare foot meeting the carpet, out of the foyer is deliberate. A declaration between them.

His back turns to other nin as he makes his way to the kitchen, side stepping a pile of boxes as he slides the bags onto the counter.


hatedriven December 29 2011, 05:37:06 UTC
Naruto turns his back on him, and while Sasuke knows it's only to put the groceries away, that feeling rears it's ugly head again. His gaze sharpens, and he steps after Naruto, as though the boy was walking out on him and not simply walking into the kitchen.

"What the hell makes you think I want to live with any of you?" His words might be defensive, but he delivers them offensively- like he's picking a fight. And he thinks, maybe, he is, because the screaming hasn't stopped and he doesn't know how else to battle it down.


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 05:48:48 UTC
He can feel it. It's not unlike the crackle that hits the air, the dangerous charge that he remembers from chidori. It is silence, but no less lethal.

Sasuke is at his back, pacing him with as much familiarity as precision, and the blond doesn't turn back. Not until he's reached the counter and settled for unpacking- a pear placed deliberately beside an empty bowl. "We're going to be partners."


hatedriven December 29 2011, 05:54:10 UTC
"Stop it, Naruto," It comes out with venom, a spit, not the measured drawl Sasuke normally faces him with- even when they come to blows. Sasuke's hands ball into fists, and he doesn't know what stops him from striking out at anything around him: the pile of boxes, the wall. The anger is almost uncontainable, because it's easier to feel than anything else. "Can't you see you're the only person still acting like this?"


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 06:13:06 UTC
The words do everything they're meant to. They run too deep. Cut too close. Catch fire around the edges. His chin lifts sharply and though the rest of his body remains still- taut and expectant, his gaze whirls to the boy at his profile. "You're gonna be my partner Sasuke."

They're fired back, not as a defense, but with unfettered belief and unquestioned certainty. It isn't in his nature to doubt himself, and he has no intention of starting now. Too much has been at risk for too long. He's had enough.


hatedriven December 29 2011, 06:18:06 UTC
That's the look he wanted; the only constant thing he's had since his return. That unstoppable fire and determination, the thing that will always meet Sasuke in blows regardless of how many times Sasuke turns his back. He doesn't understand, not really, why Naruto keeps doing it- but it's the only thing that doesn't change.

The only thing he has left to hold on to.

"I told you I wasn't," He snaps back, without looking away from the brilliant blue of the nin opposite him.


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 06:27:38 UTC
"And I said you are'ttebayo." His feet shift against the tile, little more than a scuff as his posture readjusts- turning to face him. There isn't as much as a beat of hesitation, no pause to reconsider his words in the face of this open rejection. Because he knows as he has always known, that this would not come easily.

For as long as he can remember, Naruto is sure he's always known. That he's known Sasuke better than anyone. That there's a burden, a secret there that he can bear. Just as he knows Sasuke won't release it without a fight.

But things have been different- for so long.
He doesn't have time to falter.


hatedriven December 29 2011, 06:33:08 UTC
They're circling. Or Sasuke is at least. He isn't sure what Naruto is doing- there's something different, off, about the way he's facing off. Sasuke can't pin it down, and it makes him almost anxious; a feeling he isn't accustomed to.

"It'll never work," The snarl meets the air with the intention to inflict damage, small pricks of hurt to try and draw Naruto out. To make him lash out in return. "Things are never going to be the way you want them to be."


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 06:38:11 UTC
In the back of his mind, at the edge of his senses, Naruto is sure he hears something snap. A sharp splintering that echoes over his consciousness. It's only when he reaches out, to touch that place where he can feel his ability- flaring with equal parts hurt and anger, that he's able to push it down. Quiet it. Contain it.

His gaze flickers red for a heartbeat and nothing more, but his voice is a bellow. "You don't know anything about what I want!"


hatedriven December 29 2011, 06:42:51 UTC
He catches the flicker, and sees it die, and that's all it takes. The containment. Sasuke's mouth pulls back into a grimace, into a baring of his teeth. "You want everything to be perfect, you want it to go back to the way it was, you want me to go back to Konoha like nothing ever happened!" He meets the bellow with a rise in his own voice, and he backs up, trying to coax Naruto into the open..


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 06:50:57 UTC
He does step forward, but its fueled by his own momentum more than any true desire to pursue the nin. We aren't enemies his mind screams at him, and it's deafened by sound of their voices, warring for supremacy. There is room, in the end, for only one truth.

The pear falls from the counter, and it's skin splinters when it hits the floor.

"That isn't true." His fingers curl into fists at his sides. "You don't know what's inside me at all!"


hatedriven December 29 2011, 06:56:52 UTC
"It is!" He says, and it borders on the edge of a laugh: manic and derisive. "You won't listen to what anyone says. You want to be my partner when you're already partnered with my traitor of a brother." His mouth is running without a filter; things he shouldn't be saying, things he doesn't even wholly believe anymore.

"We'll go back and you know what will happen," His voice is heavy, deadly as it is loud, and the words hit the air like he's saying his own epitaph. "You'll have to kill me or become one of my victims."


ramenandawesome December 29 2011, 07:00:46 UTC
"Neither one of those things are gonna happen."

The words are still. Infinitely more calm than he feels, heavy with a serenity, with a certainty that even now he thinks he should doubt. But it bubbles forward regardless, and Naruto's body turns- faces Sasuke in his entirety- and he does not flinch. "I won't kill you, and I won't become one of your victims."


hatedriven December 29 2011, 07:05:30 UTC
It isn't working, Sasuke can see that, and it's making him reckless. His eyes flicker, a spark that reflects the snap in his mind, the escalation in the static scream. Sasuke has nothing, then. Nothing but his fists.

And so he lunges, grabs Naruto by his collar and pulls him close. Close enough to feel his breath, so measured against the quickness with which Sasuke's own comes. "You're digging your own grave, you stupid bastard."


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