Characters: Haru and Stripp
Location: Czech Republic
Rating: R since it's Haru and Stripp
Time: 4th jan
Description: Mission timez~
This year, Stripp also planned on going to more and more missions. Christmas and New year's was great, but she couldn't be so relaxed. So on the 4th, she and Haru went on a mission. They chose one that sounded perfect (possibly Haru chose it due to the voluptuous women. Stripp chose it because she has never been to Czech Republic) and off they went.
Stripperella was reading her notes regarding the mission "a castle hidden deep within the Czech Republic". The blond woman looked up, at the castle right in front of them. "Well. I'm sure this is it, Castle Devin. ... Deevin? Dehvin?" give her a break, she can't read Czech."We have to fight a lesbian, it seems."