Seriously dude, that's kind of creepy. [CLOSED]

Nov 15, 2011 12:11

Characters: Bansai and Takasugi
Location: Souji and Takasugi's apartment
Rating: G... maybe? o_O
Time: December 30, so late at night it's practically the 31st
Description: Bansai makes use of that key Takasugi gave him for Christmas. Takasugi immediately hates his life.

In b4 Stalking U Sweetly. )

takasugi shinsuke, kawakami bansai

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frissonic November 18 2011, 05:25:47 UTC
Bansai just so happened to have decided to make tonight the day to test out his Christmas present. At present, the musician was all set up in the kitchen, preparing zaru soba for the teen who just so happened to be walking down the hall toward the apartment.

How had he known when to start cooking? By seeing where he was on his shift patrol, of course.

At least he'd used the door properly this time, right?


alastinglight November 18 2011, 15:31:41 UTC
Takasugi knew, the instant that he opened the door, that someone was around. That was a given, though, wasn't it? Maybe Okita was up --

-- well. That's definitely not Okita.

Excuse the boy. He needs to do some incredulous staring.


frissonic November 20 2011, 06:24:39 UTC
Bansai didn't even look up from what he was doing. Instead, he continued on as if the door had never opened, apart from the tiniest beginnings of a smirk, a slight tilt of his head, and his voice coming from the kitchen.

"I am almost finished, I daresay. I hope you are hungry."

There was a short pause, and then, "What would you like to drink, Shinsuke?"


alastinglight November 20 2011, 06:41:11 UTC
"Why are you even here?"

And no, cooking dinner was not the appropriate answer.


frissonic November 26 2011, 16:12:43 UTC
"I am here because it is late, and you need to eat."

Wasn't that quite obvious enough?

"Calm down. I used to door just like you requested of me."

With the key that he gave him, no less. Stop looking so surprised, Shinsuke.


alastinglight November 26 2011, 17:19:51 UTC
"No, I mean--!"

And then Takasugi cut himself off because he was getting just a bit loud and maybe a tad shrill. Okita was home, wasn't he? Noise wouldn't be good.

When he spoke again, it was in a low hiss.

"Why are you here, right now. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you know."


frissonic November 30 2011, 06:05:55 UTC
There was a series of light clinks in the kitchen, his hands moving expertly amongst the tools and food preparation.

"Calm yourself, or you will wake your roommate. He is sleeping quite soundly, I daresay."


alastinglight November 30 2011, 06:39:33 UTC
And Takasugi's irritation and worry turned to cold, solid rage, just like that.

"If you did anything..."

He was about two steps away from transforming one of his arms and going for Bansai's throat, consequences be damned.


frissonic December 4 2011, 06:37:42 UTC
Bansai seemed genuinely surprised by that, glancing over his shoulder as he paused in his task. One hand came up to his shades so that he could slide them down his nose to look at the boy more clearly with stormy grey eyes.

"Of course not. He has been asleep since before I arrived, of his own volition."


alastinglight December 5 2011, 06:09:31 UTC
It was either Bansai's expression or the realization of the fact that he had let his anger get the better of him again that diffused things, leaving him irritated and embarrassed.

The boy's eyes narrowed, fixed on the musician for a good five seconds before he huffed, turning away, stalking off towards the common area. He seemed to do that a lot on the other Weapon.


frissonic December 13 2011, 16:57:57 UTC
Irritation and embarrassment was better than rage, as well as easier to control and manage. Bansai had seen Takasugi in an outburst of rage, and it wasn't a pretty sight for anyone.

When the boy finally stalked away, seemingly to let him continue cooking, Bansai turned back to the stove and began his work anew. It would be finished soon.

"Shall I make tea?"


alastinglight December 14 2011, 15:12:14 UTC
"Do whatever you want."

Perhaps part of him should have regretted responding like that, but Takasugi was a bit too busy calming himself down to really think about it just yet.


frissonic December 20 2011, 05:33:40 UTC
"I do not think that would actually please you."

He said that somewhat candidly before he turned back to the stove to put hot water on.


alastinglight December 20 2011, 11:27:27 UTC
Did he just...

He did, didn't he?

Takasugi stared at Bansai, jaw working for a second, before he muttered something under his breath (cutting and irritated) and turned away, once again.


frissonic January 22 2012, 04:36:08 UTC
Bansai didn't speak again until both food and drink were finished, put into corresponding containers, and presented to the teen.

As usual, he hadn't made any food for himself. There was, however, an extra tea cup, which the musician kept for himself. He took a sip after he'd seated himself...on the floor, of course.


alastinglight January 22 2012, 07:51:31 UTC
Takasugi eyed the food a bit critically before very, very reluctantly beginning to eat.

...Why was Bansai still here? Was he really going to stick around?


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