(no subject)

Oct 30, 2011 16:34

Characters: tempestingly and swingnintherain
Location: Gokudera's room.
Rating: PG/PG-13ish?
Time: 26th, afternoon(?)
Description: Yamamoto pops by to ask a favor.

[Yamamoto's had a vague idea in his head for a while now. Not that having Reborn as his training partner hasn't been really instructive (because it is) and kind of exhausting (because it's that too), but he's starting to wonder if maybe he'd move his training along a little faster if he tried a few things on his own. And Tsuna's a meister too, so that option is right out. But there's an avenue for handy practice living right next to him that he hasn't exhausted yet, so he's knocking enthusiastically at Gokudera's door.

This is such a great idea, even Gokudera can't fail to recognize it.]
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