(no subject)

Oct 23, 2011 19:19

Characters: the littlest uchiha & the eldest spandex wearing ninja
Location: Inner Residential District
Rating: PG for sasuke's mouth
Time: Dec 24
Description: gai is a creepy stalker that's what

It had been about a week and the days were still bleeding together. Sleep wouldn't come, not for an extended period of time, and so Sasuke had taken to meditation to erase the edge he could feel that itched at the edge of his psyche. He wasn't sure if his run in with Itachi the day prior had made anything better, or worse, but as per usual he was left with more questions than answers whenever he saw the elder Uchiha. The network was full of posts about this Christmas holiday, one you were meant to spend with loved ones, but Sasuke didn't see a point to it.

He'd barely spent time with them before coming here, before turning his back on everyone, he didn't see why he should change that now. He spoke to them enough, for not being a team with any of them. They wanted some kind of party; that had never been Sasuke's thing. That, and Kakashi would be there, which left him with an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of his stomach. Things were different here, Sasuke had left the hospital partnerless proving that fact, but he didn't know what that meant in the long run.

If it meant he should patch everything up with his own team, with Itachi. Even with the rest of Konoha. It was too late for Sara, now, though, and he winced at the ground as he kicked a stray rock off the sidewalk. For some reason, all he could feel was conflict, and confusion, and guilt. Not just over that, but the whole damn thing, the revelations of knowing how far he'd accidentally come. Everything was a mess, and Sasuke was at a complete loss. He knew it had something to do with his resonation, and he was facing his training with Roy with no small amount of trepidation.

Lifting his chin, he let his gaze wander down the street, never missing a step in the patrol he was covering, despite the rolling of his thoughts.

sasuke uchiha, maito gai

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