
Oct 21, 2011 11:47

Characters: Sarutobi Sasuke, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Location: Rooftops in Outer Residential Quarter II
Rating: PG
Time: December 23rd, late night
Description: With no work until the next night, there's nothing for Sasuke to do except loiter. As it turns out, he isn't the only one with that idea.

Snow. Snow, in Death City. Given his general lack of things to do in more recent days of living in Death City, babysitting his Meister and needling her other Weapon aside, it was fairly common for Sasuke to spend a fair portion of his time just loitering and wandering the rooftops, learning the city block by block. With no work for the night, he had more time than usual to do so. It was good training, really, since travelling was so much harder in this world. He missed being able to leap everywhere. Immensely.

Instead, it was tough work, made that much harder by the slickness of frost. As it were he had settled down finally to take a break. Sasuke was never one to shy from hard work - not in earnest, anyway - but he missed the freedom of soaring through the air. He lived up to his namesake. Plus sitting around gave him a little too much time to think. His thoughts had become increasingly inflicted since Sanada no Danna was returned to Hi-No-Moto, leaving his retainer on his own.

He was beginning to slip into the old patterns of contemplating the nature his own existence in this world when he finally noticed that he wasn't alone on the rooftops. He hadn't immediately noticed, given he rarely saw anyone other than Kasuga with the same habit as his, and the person in question was seemingly better at keeping her presence concealed. He almost considered trying to sneak up on them, but for once it seemed like too much effort. Besides, only the other kunoichi ever seemed to fall for it so consistently

So instead he moved a couple more buildings over and ambled quite casually over to where a certain other kunoichi was waiting. "Do you mind if I join you, Nakatsukasa-san?" he asked politely, but the smile he was wearing was warm.

tsubaki nakatsukasa, sarutobi sasuke

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