open / backdated .

Sep 20, 2011 23:00

Characters: Itachi & anyone.
Location: Bitch's Brew Bar
Rating: PG-13 for drunk!Itachi
Time: December 16th | evening
Description: The night before going to Europe, what better to do than go for a drink? because Itachi never does that...

Switzerland. That was what Naruto had told him. They were going to Switzerland tomorrow. Well, that was fine with Itachi. It was something different than the monotonous drag of life in Death City; wake up, go to training, nap, go teach some private lessons, patrol duty. Rinse repeat. It was broken here and there by some social interaction, but for the most part the Uchiha spent a lot of his time in solitude.

Maybe tonight would be different. He wasn't sure. Either way, he had no desire to simply sit around in the apartment, waiting for morning and another mission. What better way to celebrate going out of town than going for a drink? It had only been a little bit of time since he had been in the local bar, he didn't prefer it because it didn't serve sake, but everything was as familiar as ever. Or sort of, some of the bartenders were new.

On this particular evening he pushed open the door to the building and scanned the area directly in front of him. With his eyesight it was hard to make out exactly how busy it was, but the noise gave away enough. It was a moderate sized crowd tonight. Stepping inside he made his way carefully towards the bar, taking a seat on a stool towards the end of the counter.

itachi uchiha, takuto tsunashi, tifa lockhart

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