Characters: Elena and all you early birds
Location: Around Death City
Rating: G unless something comes up
Time: Dec. 12th 9 am
Description: Elena is scoping out Death City and getting to know the place well, feel free to run into her as you like.
Where the streets had no name )
That was an especially dreary thought, thank you. Because this city already was giving Clare such a wonderful loving fuzzy feeling, "...E-even across dimensional barriers." Proof Clare not only paid attention in physics, but also when Adam went on about comic books. There was no hiding the apprehension in her voice as she asked the question.
Well, that was a weird concern to have. Although, for it to be a concern that meant both her employer was here, and her employer's adversaries. Of course, what sort of grievance could be in play to cause such a reaction? That's where the wonder lies, "What sort of reasoning would they have to continue here? What do they think your employer did?"
Unless the entire enterprise were here, it seems a bit odd to keep a fight going while both sides are on unfamiliar ground. Whoever would continue such a conflict would not exactly be thinking reasonably. Then again, starting a fight with a business isn't very reasonable either... unless they were evil, and that never happens.
"Beside, even without them here I would still be just a cautious, my work has put me in situations that have show even nice places have their share of rotten residents. You can never be too safe after all."
Clare was not stupid, she could tell when people were leaving details out for some reason. What reason, can't be sure, wasn't her place anyway. ...Didn't mean she wasn't a little offended at it. Also there was the detail of that pessimism, while true (especially here) it was... concerning.
"It gives people the idea that you're shifty, paranoid, and up to something," The look was as flat as her tone, Clare hoped that got the message across. Her arms crossed, eyes dead set on the young woman. Clare wasn't the biggest on trust, deep lasting trust, but without that little bit of trust nothing would ever happen.
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