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Partner Training spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:24:15 UTC
[How to work together with your partner.]


Re: Partner Training r_a_m_1982 September 2 2011, 21:54:08 UTC
[Have a program who's rather clueless about how the partnerships works.] Uhm...hi.


aiursfavoredson September 4 2011, 01:07:19 UTC
[Here have Tassadar: a ten foot alien with no facial features and who talks directly into your mind. He's turning around to face the one who has spoken to him.]

En Taro Adun. You are in need of guidance?


r_a_m_1982 September 4 2011, 01:34:08 UTC
[Ram saw programs that looked weirder than him. Ram blinks at the mind connection, but quickly smiles.]

Ohhhh what a neat trick. I didn't knew Users could do that. Hello, and yes please, that will be really helpful.


aiursfavoredson September 4 2011, 12:27:50 UTC
[Trick? The association with that word left him frowning lightly. He didn't question the words spoken, and instead thought it best to remain focused on the topic at hand.]

Very well. What questions do you have?


r_a_m_1982 September 4 2011, 15:49:37 UTC
[He doesn't mean that in the bad way.]

So uhm...how do I know I am suited for my partner or not?


aiursfavoredson September 6 2011, 15:08:09 UTC
You will know the moment that you resonate with them if you are suitable for each other. To those who resonate well, there comes a certain level of 'right' in the connection between them. Those who do not often experience physical pain.


I apologize in advance for Ram. r_a_m_1982 September 6 2011, 15:20:13 UTC
Soul's connections are that strong, uhm? [Not exactly a question. Ram looks thoughtful for a bit. Some people told him so many strange things about partnership.]

And once I find a partner and we start living together do we have to have sex everyday or...? Because I don't even now how that's done in the User's world.


No need to apologise at all /o/ Tassadar's learnt about human sex now, so he knows what it is xD aiursfavoredson September 7 2011, 00:04:21 UTC
Sexual intercourse between partners is not a necessity for resonation. It is for those who find that their partnership extends further than their resonation as their emotional bonds grow and exchange.


oh then good. Thanks ♥ r_a_m_1982 September 7 2011, 00:24:26 UTC
Ans how can you be sure that those emotional bonds reached a different limit? There are no proper directives, or at least not specified properly.


Sorry for the delay! I'll still be slow until tomorrow or Wednesday ._. aiursfavoredson September 13 2011, 06:53:04 UTC
The emotional bonds needed between humans is not one that I can answer. Such things are unneded among my people, and yet it is placed highly among the human race.

You will need to find one who has experienced such human emotions if you wish to seek further knowledge in regards to attraction.

[Because Tassadar just isn't attracted to humans, and the protoss have their own style B) ]


I don't mind slow tagging bb~ r_a_m_1982 September 14 2011, 00:55:34 UTC
Oh...alright then. Uhm..can I ask what you are?

[He will ask what style >3]


Thank you ._. aiursfavoredson September 18 2011, 23:47:57 UTC
I am a Protoss.

[/s-sobs! It will have to be a general answer since Blizzard aren't exactly detailed in that department xD;; /they don't appear to have any sexual organs.]


r_a_m_1982 September 19 2011, 01:44:29 UTC
I don't have any data about Protoss, sorry.

[that works. Oh? Do they clone themselves then or....?]


Re: ♥ aiursfavoredson September 19 2011, 11:54:53 UTC
I take no offence for many humans do no. We are all taken from difference placements in time. I happen to have been pulled from a time in the distant future for many.

[They have males and females, but no visible male and female bits... so it could be anything from egg laying/fertilization to 'pollination' haha ]


r_a_m_1982 September 19 2011, 14:29:04 UTC
That's good to hear. But I'm not human either, I am an actuarial program. And how's the future like?

[Ohhh I see. Interesting but doesn't sounds like it's very fun XD.]


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