
Aug 31, 2011 11:04

Characters: China and Sohki.
Location: Tartarus apartment buildings, second floor, room b.
Rating: G... ish.
Time: Backdated far behind to November 30th.
Description: Moving in to a new apartment--!

Moving in is supposed to be stressful, right? )

sohki, yao wong (china)

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holy_prankster September 1 2011, 12:08:35 UTC
Sohki was a master of hiding the levels of amusement he felt. It was a skill that came into use as he watched China crawling out from beneath the sink. His poor Weapon was far too innocent and oblivious to his tactics regardless of how often he pulled them on him, but it was part of what endeared the kirin to him.

"Mmm walls could work, yes," he murmured while tapping his chin in thought. A look of relief flashed over his face when China reaffirmed that his precious tea would be safe. "How have I lived in this city without you for so long?"

While he may have been playfully teasing China, that didn't stop him from seeing the happiness shining from his partner's soul. It had been quite some time since he had last seen China so happy, and while he'd never admit to it, the kirin was pleased. There had been a shadow darkening one aspect ever since the return of China's previous Meister, but it appeared that the country had recovered from that loss.

"Not yet, no, but we can always invest on any items we need," Sohki cheerfully murmured while moving to stand by China's side. Slipping his hands into the folds of his sleeves, the kirin stood there gracefully. "It looks as though Genro has chosen where he wishes to sleep."

With that said, if China was to look over now, he'd find Sohki's dog making himself comfortable on the Weapon's bed.


closedmarket September 4 2011, 01:59:53 UTC
"I do not know! Pure luck, perhaps." He could tease back, of course he could - there may have once, for the few moments after arriving in that Chamber again, been the worry of whether or not he could adjust to such a thing as residing in Death City again, but... obviously, he could. It was actually rather funny. It'd taken him months to find a partner before. This time, it'd only taken a few hours.

He knew that technically wasn't true, but it was still an amusing thought. In fact, he couldn't even hold back a small laugh about it.

"That is true. I will still need a job, will maybe have to look into that bank -- do you have one, Sohki? Job or bank." He'd turned his head over his shoulder to ask that last part right to the qilin, relaxing all the more at the way the other was just as natural. It seemed almost too good to be true.

And lo, but it was.

"Genro?" Temporary confusion, then - "-- Aaiya, no! No, bad dog, bad!"

China was rushing forward to try to roll the dog off of his bed, all flailing limbs and quick steps. It wouldn't work, of course, since he didn't really want to hurt the animal. Sohki probably wouldn't have approved.


holy_prankster September 8 2011, 15:11:23 UTC
"Luck for a kirin? Now that's something new," Sohki said with a smile that easily told his companion that he was playing with him. They were both more than well aware of the fact that his kind made their own luck, and while he no longer had all of his powers, Sohki was never one to release such control.

He did admit to rather liking the laugh though, and wondered if it would be a common occurrence in the future.

"And just what type of job would you be looking for, hmm?" He asked, but that didn't stop Sohki from imagining China working in Death Donalds or something. The image amused him greatly, but he used all of his trolling abilities to hide his amusement behind a pleasant smile. "This city is far too restricting enough without chaining myself further to a job."

Sohki stood there in quiet amusement while the talk of Genro penetrated China's mind. He could see the exact moment that realisation hit, and Sohki didn't hold back his laughter as he watched the country rush forward to defend his territory. Genro took the act as something playful, and instantly stood up as he began playfully growling and barking at the flailing limbs.

The entire sight left him chuckling openly in amusement. "It appears as though he's quite firm in his claim, China-kun~" Following along to the threshold of the room, Sohki waited for a mere moment before he was there glomping China from behind. "Then that means that you'll just have to sleep with me~~♥"


closedmarket September 11 2011, 00:43:56 UTC
The question of the possible career was asked, but that was temporarily given up in favor reacting to the more immediate issue of Sohki draping all over him! Also the fact that the dog was still on his bed, but mostly the first part.

Not that he noticed it as a terribly bad thing, but it was still a thing. Plus, that offer (even though even the nation recognized it as something offered in jest)! And the fact that he wasn't even helping in getting the dog off, aaaiyyya, it could make China just--! "Aiyyyaa!" Exactly.

"If I slept with you, aru, I bet you would hog all of the covers! And snore! Do you snore?" He was trying to twist about in the drape-hug to face the other nose-to-nose, breath rising and falling in a very extravagant huff. Because, yes, for all of his blustering about, he did semi-realize this was a joke- well, Sohki's words were a joke; the dog waggings its tail and eying him up like he'd be its next playment certainly wasn't. Why couldn't Sohki have been more interested in cats--

But, yes, right. He had a statement to make. If he was successful in turning around, he'd try to raise a finger up to the other's nose and -- not notice how very close they were. Because they were. Except it didn't matter, because China was aware that Sohki did this pretty much all the time. So.

So, right. He had a mission to fulfill, anyway. Another huff!

"No! I most definitely need my bed back. Do you not see the horrible issue with this?"


omg I don't think that I will ever get tired of telling you how much I love China o3o holy_prankster September 16 2011, 14:22:37 UTC
China always reacted so wonderfully, and this was part of the reason why he had found himself unwittingly attached to the country. He hadn't realised it at first, but it was something that Sohki had discovered once his companion had been returned to his world. How many centuries had it been since he had felt the loss of someone? The kirin couldn't remember the last time such a thing had happened.

That was why his smile only widened when China cried out in such a way. Remaining draped over the country, Sohki didn't mind their closeness at all as he twisted around to face him. "I may be old and blind, but I am not one to snore," Sohki said with a playful pout. He didn't deny the fact that he would steal the blankets though. While he normally wouldn't, the kirin would do so just to irritate his dear China.

Leaning in to affectionately brush his nose over China's, a move he knew would grant him a wonderful reaction, Sohki opened his gaze to regard the other. "A horrible issue?" The kirin asked with ancient eyes. He could not see what was in front of him, but that didn't mean that Sohki was blind in any sense.

"Well, if you cannot handle me, then I suppose that I shall let you retreat back to the safety of your bed," Sohki huffed in the next moment before pulling away from the other. His posture was dismissive as he half-turned away. Calling his canine to his side, the kirin began to walk off. "Come now Genro, I can see where we're not wanted."


I don't think I can ever catch up with telling you how much I adore Sohki. ;a; closedmarket September 20 2011, 22:43:06 UTC
"-- I hear no words of you being a hog-- aa...aaaiyaaa--!" This time, the yell was far quieter, more of a back-straightening hiss than anything else. China narrowed his eyes as much as he could while still being able to see, abruptly acutely aware of their proximity in a much sharper way. It had China eying the other with a vague sort of wariness, even though his (not completely angry) irritation put a fog over it. He wanted to push the other back for some distance, and there was added indignation when he was-- what was that? A nose brush?! Insulting--! But then, but then - it was mostly just that Sohki was. Very, very close.

Before CHina could swat back or do much more than gape like a fish out of water, however, Sohki was calling his dog and... walking off.

Walking off?

... Walking off! Like a - "Do not say such a thing like that, aru! You are not wanted -" China could already see Sohki jumping on that- "in my bed." - He saw nothing wrong with that, however. "Would you want me to sleep all over your bed, aru...?! I do not think so! I doubt your dog would like to be kicked, either!"

Because, yes, Genro was Sohki's dog. China crossed his arms resolutely to emphasis such a thing, mouth pulled into a frown.


/loves on Pelt! holy_prankster September 23 2011, 12:46:23 UTC
[ooc: I also started them off in the event here. Either decision from China will result in Sohki trolling him :3c ]

"A hog? I am a kirin, not a pig," Sohki said with a huff. Sure, he was messing around with China, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to pretend that he was offended. Really, out of all the animals in the animal kingdom, China had to pick that one? Not that he meant it in such a context, but that wouldn't stop him either.

"First I'm a pig, and now you're dictating how I prefer to sleep?" Sohki playfully huffed as he walked back into the living room. Glancing down at Genro, he placed his hand on top of his friend's head as he stroked it fondly. "It seems that our dear China has gone quite mad. The next thing you know, China will be saying that you're a chicken and will sprout eggs instead of feathers."


/loves on more. <3 closedmarket September 25 2011, 05:31:39 UTC
"Of course I have grown mad - you are forever happy, even now! I see that you are fighting a grin; do not deny it!" In truth, China wasn't a hundred percent sure that this was a joke - the idea that it was had just hit him, and all it really did was make him seem even more suspicious.

He'd followed Sohki, too, jerked to a stop a few arms' lengths away; there was one moment where he stood and just eyed the qilin, but finally, that moment ended and he added to his earlier words:

"And since you are always smiling, I must be mad." Very logically, very evenly, and now his arms were crossed over his chest. "It is balance, you see? A chicken would help nothing! Though he- that Genro- would be better if he could drool eggs."


/loves on the more most! 8D holy_prankster September 30 2011, 08:47:27 UTC
"Of course it would be. We wouldn't have to go to the store for eggs that way," Sohki playfully taunted in return. China's logical reasoning did only further amuse the kirin. Of course he didn't let it be seen on his expression, but that didn't mean that it wasn't there. It didn't help that Genro had no idea what was going on. Dogs didn't lay eggs after all!

"So you are the yin to my yang then. The darkness to my light~! Hmm it is an interesting concept to consider," Sohki murmured thoughtfully before turning to face China with a bright smile. "Then I accept that premise. Besides, it seems rather fitting, don't you think?"


/cheating! D: closedmarket October 1 2011, 22:11:27 UTC
"I would not eat a dog's eggs." Vehemently, with near earnestness, and a somewhat queasy look sent in Genro's direction.

"Dao would be so displeased..." Now this was a murmur, though China hiked up his volume in the next second; took a step back, too, made as if to turn around and go back to the kitchen even though his eyes roamed back onto Sohki. "Fitting? That you are light and I am dark? ... I can... see it, but - why do you say so?"

It was more ironic, China felt, that the qilin would be 'light' and he would be 'dark.' Very ironic.


hehe! I never cheat! I only play to win ;D holy_prankster October 2 2011, 10:34:18 UTC
"You wouldn't? Now that would be a complete shame to let them go to waste," Sohki pondered as if it was something that could seriously happen. Of course he wouldn't eat it since he didn't eat the flesh of animals even if said animals were still in their embryo form.

"Hmm? You don't think that we harmonize each other? I do not see any reason why there should be any displeasure," he thoughtfully offered, but if China looked carefully enough, there was a playful tinge to his expression.

Moving away from Genro, the kirin closed the distance between them until he stood right in front of China. "Isn't it obvious as to why, China-kun?"


closedmarket October 3 2011, 04:54:21 UTC
"Would you have them hatch? That Genro is not fit to parenting if he is to continue working for you! I don't think he could multitask so well." China was aware that Genro hardly did any work in the first place, but - dogs hatching from eggs. it was a traumatizing enough thought that his own brain was addled by it.

It wasn't too addled, however, for - "I do not think the harmony of Weapon and Meister is quite the same." China tracked Sohki's re-approach with a suspicious eying, though in contrast, he wasn't exactly poised with tension when the qilin got close. Matter of fact, he was beyond relaxed. It was his way of saying that he wasn't being wholly serious either. He should've been kicked for taking this so literally, nonetheless -- "... It is obvious that you smile while I frown, yes."


holy_prankster October 7 2011, 13:54:08 UTC
"Have you known me to prevent life from being born?" Sohki asked in return. Yes he has taken many lives throughout his lifetime, but he had no interest in stripping an unborn child's life from them. Well, unless it was necessary or needed to fulfill his duties, then he wouldn't hesitate. "I think you'd be surprised by Genro if you got passed your dislike for canines."

Trust in China to take his comment in such a way. He'd allow the country to continue thinking of it that way for now, even if he had meant it in an entirely different meaning. Shaking his head lightly, the kirin leant over to peer closer at China. "Oh ye of little faith~"


closedmarket October 16 2011, 08:45:14 UTC
"I am sure he would be very good with his own species. Most animals have to be." Except for animals like the panda, but that was a topic China definitely didn't want to touch on. He gave Sohki a flat look. "I would say that you would have to donate the eggs to a market."

The Nation stubbornly held his ground, too, looking right back up with a bit of a huff on his face. "Hardly!" Which he knew Sohki knew, but - teasing. It did actually go both ways (some of the time.)


holy_prankster October 26 2011, 13:12:29 UTC
Sohki simply gave China an amused look at the country's words. He had his own thoughts and experiences when it came to such things, but he allowed for the topic to half-drop so then he could focus on something far more lighthearted. "Donate the eggs? I could only imagine what the buyer would think when they found a dog within them instead of a chicken."

China's stubbornness was always amusing to see. When the firm reply was given, Sohki remained in close to his Weapon as he cheerfully said, "Hardly what? My dear China-kun~?"


closedmarket October 28 2011, 06:26:00 UTC
"In this city, I am sure they would think it normal." Okay, maybe that was half-cynical muttering, but he didn't really mean anything by it. "As long as the eggs did not hatch, that is..."

At the question, there was. A bit more bulking. Shuffling. Side-eying.


... And leaning back, slowly. Even if he spoke with no less hidden pride, "Hardly true that I am of little faith. We are to be a great pair, I know that."


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