It's Friday, Friday~

Aug 26, 2011 01:04

Characters: Maka, Soul and all of Death City~
Location: Roof of Fatality Condominiums
Rating: Probably PG to PG-13
Time: Evening, December 10th
Description: Death City has a new Deathscythe! Let's celebrate~!

Gotta get down on Friiiiiday~ )

toph bei fong, soul eater evans, ryotaro dojima, kilik lunge, raidou kuzunoha, maka albarn, phoenix wright, hanabi hyuuga, rhode kamelot, crona, roy mustang, alucard, eirikur ragnarsson (iceland), death the kid

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[AFTER PARTY] grigoriwings August 26 2011, 06:08:57 UTC
[For the people who like to arrive late and say late~]


screw_disorder August 27 2011, 16:22:12 UTC
[...which would be Stein, to a T.

he simply isn't there one moment and is the next, hovering behind Maka, glasses flashing in that way they do.]

Looks like you had a fun party.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 03:30:00 UTC
[After drinking three full cups of the spiked punch without realizing that there was alcohol in it, Hanabi is not feeling well at all. She's sitting off in a corner clutching her stomach.]

...I think I'm allergic to the fruit punch.


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 03:43:27 UTC
[Gai hadn't been here all that long; some things had come up in his district. Now he was here, though, and mingling. Spotting Hanabi looking not very well, he comes over.]

Hanabi? Are you all right?


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 03:53:03 UTC
[Looking up, Hanabi's head spins for a moment, and briefly it looks as though there are two Gais there. She's about to greet Gai and Lee when her vision comes back into focus.]

I feel sick, Gai-san. I think it's because of the punch. Maybe I'm allergic or something.


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 03:59:31 UTC
[Gai glances over toward the table before placing a gentle hand on Hanabi's forehead, checking for any sort of fever just in case.]

Is your throat feeling swollen, Hanabi? Tell me what you are feeling.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 04:07:55 UTC
I feel like I'm going to throw up and everything's spinning and my vision's blurring and...

[She clutches at her stomach again as it does another flip-flop.]

I don't think I ever want to have fruit punch again.


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 04:17:30 UTC
[He glanced at her eyes, quickly pressing two fingers against the pulse-point on her neck. It didn't sound like allergy at all. Instead, it sounded like poison... or something much simpler, and something perhaps that should be expected here. Her pulse didn't seem weak.]

I think you are not allergic. I think someone thought it would be amusing to add alcohol to the punch.

[He got up, quickly grabbing a glass of water, sniffing it before he brought it over.]

We should try to get you home, if you think you are able to make it.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 04:23:51 UTC
Why would someone think putting alcohol in the punch would be funny?

[Hanabi gets up to try to take the glass of water, but quickly stumbles over and lands gracelessly on her rear end. It's a particularly stark contrast to the way people from the Hyuuga clan usually move.]

I think I need to sit for a little while longer, but I'll do my best.


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 04:25:55 UTC
Because some people think that is funny.

[He reaches out to try to support her if she gets up again.]

Take your time. I am here. We will move as slowly as you need to. ...Unless you start to feel ill. Then tell me and I will move you very quickly. It may also help to sip the water very slowly.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 04:39:02 UTC
[She sips at the water, taking in slow, small, but frequent sips of the water. Hanabi trusts Gai's judgement enough that even if it doesn't make everything better, it'll probably help. He's an adult and he's an experienced ninja.]

I don't think I ever want to even have a sip of alcohol until I'm all grown up. Why would anyone do this to themselves? It feels horrible.


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 04:45:57 UTC
[Gai smiles warmly.]

Sometimes a good sake can enhance life and battle. But overdrinking at any age can be uncomfortable, and can lead to unfortunate repercussions. Drinking is fine... in moderation. Or when you are prepared and have someone who can get you home. Drinking can be...

[He tilts his head, thinking.]

It can relax. If there is something you wish to forget for a time, or numb. But it is not healthy to drink for that reason. Once or twice is no weakness, but many times or regularly is harmful.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 04:50:46 UTC
Well...I have seen some of the adults have a bit of sake at family events. I suppose it would be okay to have a little when I'm a lot older.

[She doesn't want any at all in the next seven years, though. Maybe an adult body could handle the amount she had better.]

I had three cups of that punch. Do you think that's why it's making me feel so sick?


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 05:03:36 UTC
[Gai nods.]

That probably is it. I did not sniff the punch to know for sure, but I would not be surprised. When you are drinking something that you have not opened the container for, always take a moment to see if there is a sour scent to it.

[His expression grows grim.]

As a female you should be even more aware of your drinks here, I think.


[OPEN] usedforcepalm August 29 2011, 05:10:30 UTC
Huh? What do you mean by that, Gai-san?

[She's honestly confused why that would be more necessary for a female than a male.]


[OPEN] spandexisyouth August 29 2011, 05:17:43 UTC
This is not Konoha. Not everyone here is a villager. I would not be surprised if there were some here who would seek to attack a young woman and would expect a girl to be weaker than a boy.

[He's... not sure he wants to go into specifics, not at a party where he knows some of the people would look out for Hanabi.]

They do not know shinobi, and some likely do not know honor.


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