(no subject)

Aug 20, 2011 02:38

Characters: Viede and Shader [Open to Aion]
Location: Casualty Communal: 4E (Shader's apt)
Rating: [PG]
Time: Dec 7; afternoon
Description: Testing out their abilities as Meister and Weapon

[Roughly past a week, the whole concept of Meister and Weapon was still difficult to grasp. Adapting to the living here was of no trouble, considering that most things were kept the same as their version of the Earth. Still... despite hiding it inside, Viede felt a bit restless not being able to transform into his demon form for when these witches were to appear. He was always prepared. Ready for battle for his king and do whatever it takes to gain their well deserved freedom and peace.

However now...

He looked down at his hands and tightly gripped it. He had to figure out how to fight in this new body. With this new power he was given here. To perform his role. Viede finally left his room to walk the short distance down the hall to his comrade's. Shader would definitely be able to assist him with this, he reassured himself and lightly gave her door a knock.]

aion, shader, viede

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