Characters: Kiba and OPEN
Location: The Park
Rating: PG-13
Time: Dec 7, late afternoon into early evening
Description: Kiba makes his way towards the safest place in the city in his mind and tries to figure out his new body
The last few hours had been... strange to say the least. But Kiba wasn't the type to ponder on whys or hows. He was alive, for some reason. The world was not covered in ice- wasn't even the world he knew if the humans here were telling the truth. And even though he could smell flowers through some of the windows and doors none were the exact one that tugged at his soul.
These were all things he realized and accepted as fact quickly. He didn't have time to bother with the details. The major thing he had to worry about was the new body he was trapped in. He needed to find some place safe to learn how to use it. Thankfully his senses still seemed to be the same, and he followed his nose to flowing water. Holding onto walls and mimicking how the humans legs moved worked well enough to get him going, and eventually he found a fountain and set to work sating his thirst. Those new hands were oddly useful for cupping it, it seemed.
Once that was done he set to work washing off the dried blood all over his body, slashing water up into his hair and face, shivering almost right away as the sun started to go down. Maybe losing his fur was a larger problem then he had thought.
"Damn it..."
((ooc: Prose or action is fine!))