Characters: Jules de Ferrier and Mami Tomoe
Location: somewhere that sells tea
Rating: G
Time: December 1st or so, afternoon
Description: Mami doesn't know where to find good tea in Death City. This is a problem.
[As much as he hated Death City as a whole, Jules was finding more and more ways that it felt like home. His new "family" was one, of course, and the handful of people that reminded him of people from Lacomblade were another, although that wasn't always a good thing.
And then there were the people who were like home without the awkward baggage; those that made it much easier for him to do the kinds of things he enjoyed without being horribly out of place. Mami, it seemed, with her gentle smile and love for tea, was one such young lady. It would take longer than a few conversations to say for sure, but this was certainly a promising friendship.
And so here they were, leisurely making their way to one of the nicer shops in the area, not that the standards were particularly high. Things felt almost too quiet, a mood that was tempting not to break by speaking. Not talking lead to its own kind of awkwardness, though, and he became very occupied with straightening his collar and checking his pocketwatch every few minutes.]