Jul 31, 2011 16:46

Characters: Amiti and YOU
Location: The library
Rating: PG unless your character swears a lot.
Time: December 2nd, late morning through the afternoon.
Description: Amiti's trying to learn everything he can about this world so he's reading any book that seems pertinent. He's not exactly the best judge with vague titles, however.

[Amiti was determined to be useful, but so far it had been difficult since he still was confused by this strange place. So today he's spending his time in the library with a very large stack of books around him. Whatever he's reading about right now, he's very engrossed in it.

Obviously this means he's not busy and available for conversation.]

[ooc: Since I'm not quite sure of what books they have and don't have here, feel free to just toss out a random title, real or not. He just started grabbing things as he walked through the library, seriously. Or ignore the books completely!]

zhang he, katakura koujurou, tardis, chris, amiti

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