
Jul 21, 2011 00:46

Characters: itaidakimasu and firebrands
Location: The shopping district
Rating: PG-13, probably
Time: November 30th, midmorning.
Description: Kasai goes out for cigarettes. Yako happens to be in the vicinity, and hones in on his irritation with the last week.

By normal standards, a bad week for Kasai was one in which he had fewer cigarettes than normal and a streak of bad luck relating to the cops. By normal standards in Death City, it was basically the same, except replace 'cops' with 'Xanxus'. So the last week - four, five days, maybe - had not just been bad, but godawful. It was pissing him off. And what pissed him off even more was that he was angry at all.

The fuckup on the mission wasn't his problem. He didn't feel bad about that (couldn't if he wanted to). But once they'd let him out of the clinic, and Xanxus had still been stuck in there ... the stress had started to get worse. He hadn't been worried, just irritated imagining having to hunt down a new Meister. And the injuries he'd sustained still stung, which made him even more stressed, and - things had gotten to a level of bad he hadn't had to deal with in a long, long time. So he'd gone to de-stress.

And that had worked out just great.

Now Xanxus was out of the clinic. Now things were 'back to normal'. Now he was scrolling through posts on DEMISE without reading them on a daily basis. He still wasn't happy with the way things had gone and it wasn't getting a lot better. So, to distract himself, he regularly went out to buy cigarettes - and not without reason, too. They seemed to be disappearing faster than usual these days. That was his occupation at the moment, limping down the street away from the store whose clerks side-eyed him every time he walked into the shop. Kasai didn't have much on his mind, other than maybe finding a detour on the way back. The longer he was out of the line of fire, the better.

yako katsuragi, zenjirou kasai

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