[Open] Bad candy has got you now

Jul 02, 2011 10:20

Characters: Ryoki and anyone
Location: Clinic
Rating: F for fucked-up R for violence, drugs, sexual innuendos and cursing
Time: November 26th, 4 am
Description: After 3 days without drugs, Ryoki goes on rampage and tries to rob the clinic. This, basically.

Stay away from me, the beast is ugly, I feel the rage and I just can't hold it )

saika magoichi, phoenix wright, ryoki tanaka, xehanort, alex louis armstrong

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Capturing the crazy teenager halfcow July 2 2011, 09:21:33 UTC
just going ahead now |D sparklingmanly July 7 2011, 05:27:44 UTC
Having heard the alarm raised through the network, Armstrong made double time to where the trouble was brewing. Being a Weapon of his own Armstrong supposed he shouldn't have any problems - and if what he heard was true, then he really didn't need his Weapon form either. Handling one punk was easy enough for him; Sloth had ever been one of the few pushovers he needed to face.

Still, with the commotion that was probably already there the man knew he needed to be there as soon as possible. Quickening his pace, Armstrong rushed towards the doors of the clinic, hoping that he could enter before it was too late...


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halfcow July 7 2011, 12:56:41 UTC
Ryoki was pretty much feeling as crazy as he’d get. He had been held back by a bunch of idiots who couldn’t even fight properly, the violence had made him quiet excited (in that sense of the word, yes) and he was panting like a bull (did you see what I did there?). He didn’t stop laughing, thought.

“Comeoncomeoncomeon…! You didn’t even make me cum~” he gasped, wandering around and trying to find the drugs. Ah, he wished he was a dog and could sniff them. “Man, why is it so hard to find drugs in this shitty place?” the bat was still in his hand and Ryoki proceeded to smash whatever was in his way “What kind of crappy clinic is this?”


sparklingmanly July 7 2011, 13:01:05 UTC
All things considered, it didn't take much to find the culprit once he was in the clinic, going in right from the front doors - it was also a comfort to have back-up too, because one could never be too careful.

Pausing to give the other a nod, Armstrong turned around the hallways, right to where the culprit was. His voice was as authoritative as he could get as he spoke. "Hold it right there!"


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halfcow July 7 2011, 17:39:19 UTC
The half bull moved to look at the two newcomers. “Ahaha~more of you~” he hummed happily and feeling a churning feeling on his stomach, his legs shivered and he pressed them together. The big guy could do some damage, but the woman holding a gun called his attention.

Well, it only caused him to laugh more, though “Will you stop me? Really? Kyahaha! I’ll love to break your bones and see you vomit. Maybe you will piss yourself?” he looked at Armstrong next and pointed the bat at him “Oi, baldy~ those are some big muscles you have. Make sure you use them all, I hate to be left hanging.”


sparklingmanly July 8 2011, 03:30:27 UTC
Armstrong was hardly deterred at the sight of the perpetrator - after all, he had certainly seen worse before already, back in Central against Father and before that, the gruesome sights of Ishval. After experiencing all of that, something like this was hardly one to deter him.

"I suggest you stop now before you hurt yourself," the man went, eyes flickering around their surroundings to see the extent of the damage that had been caused so far. "Either that or I will have to arrest you and keep you in prison."


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halfcow July 8 2011, 10:53:05 UTC
“But I wanna get hurt, baldy~ and I wanna get you hurt.” More the last that the first. Ryo wasn’t a masochist, but a good fight always involved some amount of pain. It made things so much more exciting when he was fighting back “Ya should’ve thrown me in jail when I first arrived, dumbass” they really were idiots. Ryoki was covered in blood when he arrived and they let him happily hop around Death City? Ah!

But when Magoichi spoke, the bull blinked and stared at her. Surrender? Those words provoked a fit of laugher “Are ya fucking nuts, you ugly old hag?!” Ryo grabbed his bat, licking the tip clearly amused “I’ll show you just how good I am.”

Stubborn like a cow (quite literally) and a bit slow in the head (yeah, he is), Ryoki dashed towards the woman since she was the one holding the gun. He barely started his run and he threw the bat at her, hoping it’d distract her enough and allow him to come closer.


sparklingmanly July 8 2011, 11:14:17 UTC
Armstrong was mostly silent as he heard the other reply, frowning just a little at his words - he had heard about it, of course, although the details were lost to him. Perhaps it had been Shibusen's fault, but who was to blame? A fair number of people arrived in Death City bruised and battered due to some reason or another, and hardly any of them were bad. It wasn't anybody's fault to be honest, but then this...

He tensed a bit more at the next bit, and when Ryoki made his move Armstrong didn't hesitate to counter instantly, stepping forward and twisting just enough. One hand caught the thrown bat expertly as he returned it back towards Ryoki and clenched his fist tight, bending his arm just so he could duck down, step forward and deal a painful uppercut just as the other lunged, attempting to strike Ryoki in the gut with all the force of a sledgehammer.


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halfcow July 8 2011, 16:02:49 UTC
Of course Ryoki didn’t even care about the bat that was thrown back at him, since his eyes were set on the woman and his mind on what he wanted to do to her, but he was clearly surprised when he noticed the man stepping in front of his attack. He didn’t particularly care, not at first at least, since he could easily direct his attack towards Armstrong - after all, Ryoki’s fighting style is pretty non-existent. He is all free-style and violence, he doesn’t even remember that he can learn how to do it properly - but that idea was shattered the moment he felt a blow to his abdomen ( ... )


sparklingmanly July 8 2011, 16:44:22 UTC
Armstrong was hardly that all surprised when Ryoki got a hold on him - it wasn't the first time he had tangled with desperate fighters, and compared to Sloth this guy wasn't that all high on his list. The alchemist keep his cool, eyes studying the other intently, trying to understand his moves and actions so that he could counter them and take Ryoki down with as little damage as possible.

He took the kick, the pain not even making him flinch; his sister's beatdowns were far worse than this, and she had been human. A well-trained, terrifyingly scary human, but still a human. He returned the blow with one of his own, swinging his other arm towards the leg, trying to land a blow strong enough to dislocate the knee so that Ryoki would stop trying to move. Once he was immobilised, the rest would be easy.


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