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MEDICS soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:08:24 UTC
[A well-equipped medical tent set up in the camp some distance from the Bend.]


[Open] stalwartcane July 1 2011, 15:54:11 UTC
[Watson is one of the people in the camp, skittish because of the slight madness wavelength he can feel. He's so sensitive to it now, it's hardly amusing.]

[There's not really much time to contemplate on this, though. The moment battle starts, the medics get pretty busy.]


deadshallspeak July 2 2011, 03:25:48 UTC
...You don't look too good. Do you need to step out for a minute?


stalwartcane July 2 2011, 15:39:48 UTC
[He briskly shakes his head, offers a drawn smile.]

No, Madame. I would rather stay. Indeed, it is better to stay.


deadshallspeak July 2 2011, 19:41:45 UTC
All right, but make sure to take care of yourself. I'd rather not see something happen to you in the middle of this mess.


stalwartcane July 3 2011, 07:06:48 UTC
[Ehe... Watson averts his eyes.] That is not as unlikely as I would expect anyone to believe, if I am at all honest. But I shall be fine.


deadshallspeak July 5 2011, 02:41:24 UTC
[Naomi's concerned, but she can't deny that matters are going to get serious very soon. They need people.]

I hope so. Don't overdo it, as much as you can help the matter. Believe me, resigning yourself to falling into these things won't get you anywhere.


stalwartcane July 5 2011, 04:38:24 UTC
[She can fuss later, when they are less swamped!]

I believe you are correct in these matters, Madame. [small smile] And I am sensible to your advise. Do not worry yourself so, Holmes will know when to steer me from harming myself in any way.


deadshallspeak July 5 2011, 05:05:24 UTC
Good...thank you.


stalwartcane July 5 2011, 14:36:37 UTC
I am the one who should thank you, my dear colleague. [warmer smile]


deadshallspeak July 8 2011, 05:25:26 UTC
Let's all get through this and we'll call it even. How about that?


stalwartcane July 10 2011, 05:20:07 UTC
[chuckle] You are always so sensible, Madame.


deadshallspeak July 10 2011, 21:07:36 UTC
Sensible is my middle name. Do you feel prepared for what's coming up?


stalwartcane July 10 2011, 23:17:58 UTC
As prepared as one can be in this setting, I believe. I find that it is not so different from other wars; the waiting, the sudden burst of activity and noise, and taking care of the butcher's bill after. [It's even as sandy here as it was in Maiwand.]


deadshallspeak July 11 2011, 20:56:05 UTC
Some things are universal, I suppose. I'll be glad when it's over.

[Although she's not looking much forward to the aftermath, either.]


stalwartcane July 11 2011, 23:41:04 UTC
The only relief we have from missions is that the operations do not last very long. A battle could last for days at home, with none the better for it. [Such a depressive atmosphere!]


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