impartialsky, &
belovedonce Location:Creeping Crypt, 3rd floor
Rating: PG-13?
Time: Evening of November 21
Description: Cross is a big douchebag. A big douchebag with a sledgehammer.
Between the attack and the sudden invasion of his apartment, Ganymede wasn't sure what he needed recovery time from most. Staring at his now empty bed and the heap of blankets thrown across the carpet- the chair he'd pushed up against the front door- he was beginning to think it was the latter. All of which, as far as he was concerned, had led directly to this moment- and the prince settled against the cushions of the couch, warm mug in hand, intent on enjoying his well deserved stretch of blissful, uninterrupted, silence.
At least until a sudden unholy thud rattled his walls, and Ganymede's resulting jolt left his hands fumbling for the mug he'd half spilled over a throw pillow.