(no subject)

Jun 07, 2011 01:00

Characters: Kasuga and YOU
Location: In/Around/On top of(???) Holocaust Mall
Rating: PG/PG-13
Time: Nov 18, Mid-Day
Description: After the battle Kasuga is in need of need of new clothing and so... very unsure.

While Kasuga had spent night after night since her arrival through the shopping district, flitting from one building to the next, she found actually going there to shop to be incredibly daunting. She had spent time on top of the Holocaust Mall, how hard could it be to go inside and just get what she needed? Yet, that seemed to be the problem.

Since her clothing had torn in battle, Kasuga had found a simple happi to wear temporarily until she found something else. What she needed was something easy to move in, something she could work, train and battle in without a worry that pieces of clothing would fly loose or snag on something as well as hide her kunai in easily.

After a deep breath the blond kunoichi stepped into the mall, eyes going from one storefront to the next nervously as she clutched her hand to her chest and nervously eyed the display in each window. It became clearer than ever that she did not understand the wears of the people of Death City. Perhaps it was futile to go alone without the aid of someone that might know what they were doing.

katakura koujurou, heiwajima shizuo, ruby, stripperella (erotica jones), tsubaki nakatsukasa, lucy heartfilia, kasuga

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