Like Some Child Possessed, The Beast Howls in my Veins --

Apr 26, 2011 10:48

Characters: Ishida Mitsunari + Tokugawa Ieyasu
Location: Casualty Communal, Floor 3 (Unit J)
Rating: ...PG for now but subject to change
Time: November 7th, evening
Description: Ieyasu is back - and Mitsunari is less than thrilled about it.

He felt almost foolish once he'd discovered Ieyasu's residence had been right beneath his nose this entire time. Had he known sooner that he'd shared this common wall with the vile curr, things would have ended a long time ago. Ieyasu would have wished he'd remained in Hi-no-Moto. Mitsunari stood outside of Ieyasu's door in silence, listening for any sign of life from behind it. Ieyasu is not home - how perfect.

Getting inside had been the easy part - waiting was where Mitsunari's impatience wore through its binds. The other man's room is lain out similarly to his own making it simple enough to navigate a short distance in the dark. He paces back and forth, teeth grit together as he stews. Mitsunari had vowed to kill him. Consequences be damned - be it in this world or back home, Ieyasu needed to pay for his sins. He would pay for them here and now.

The young general's steps suddenly falter and slow before coming to a stop. He breathes deep, memories of his fallen lord flashing into his mind - his mind's eye seeing Lord Hideyoshi's corpse splayed out in the rain and that coward Ieyasu fleeing, running away after such a heinous act. Running away from his problems, unwilling to face up to his crime - unwilling to face him. It's enough to make his blood boil, fighting to keep his hands from trembling with unbridled rage. When the rain poured down that day, Mitsunari felt a piece of his humanity wash away in the downpour, replaced only by an animalistic desire to tear our his enemy's throat.

How dare he. How dare Ieyasu believe for an instant he could escape his punishment? How he could flee from the retribution that was to rain down upon him? The bitterness continues to rise up in the back of his throat, biting his lip in an attempt to calm himself. His teeth break the skin, tasting copper on his tongue. He will taste Ieyasu's blood before this night is through.

So easily had his oath to Lord Hideyoshi been cast aside, the hands Ieyasu claimed would unite the country were the same that tore Mitsunari's lord's life from his veins. The hands that claimed to be bathed in bonds of friendship and peace had brought upon such pain, such devastation to Mitsunari's world. How could a man who spoke of brotherhood and pacifism be the one to bring about such betrayal? Yes. Ieyasu was nothing more than a traitor to his own kind, fleeing like a coward and doing everything in his power to spare his own hide.

He remembered the feeling he had only a matter of days ago and he gazes down at one tightly clenched hand. Although everything seemed to happen at once, it was his sword arm that had been the first part of his body to undergo the change it had. Inside of Mitsunari's body was a great source of absolute power, one he would use to its full extent in order to achieve his goal. What would he even do when Ieyasu arrived...? Demand answers? Choke the life out of the other man? Or would this hand be capable of the same feat of strength it had at the beginning of the month? The same feat of strength that led to his body turning into a living sword? Could he harness that strength in this very arm and remove the man's head from his very shoulders?

The idea of doing so sends a shiver through his body, letting a breath he didn't know he was holding in escape. He's ready for this - he's prepared to wait as long as it may take. He will stand his vigil here in Ieyasu's quarters and the moment that man steps through the doors, he will strike without mercy.

It was being rectified now as he stood in the center of the darkened room, hands clenched tightly into fists as his eyes bore ahead of him towards the door. He draws in another breath, willing himself to speak; a quiet prayer to maintain his focus.

"Forgive me, my Lord... For what I am about to do," he began, his breath evening out, "His crimes shall not go unpunished. I swear to you, Lord Hideyoshi - Ieyasu will die."

tokugawa ieyasu, ishida mitsunari

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