[COMPLETE] When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done

Apr 20, 2011 15:53

Characters: The getyourgunson and the powerofbondage
Location: Death Robbins
Rating: PG
Time: November 6th, around 2PM because that’s totally the best time for ice-cream
Description: One of the greatest alliances in history shall be forged over ice-cream and hair ruffles.

help me leave behind some reasons to be missed )

tokugawa ieyasu, date masamune

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You can move to a new thread in your next tag, Jas. \o/ getyourgunson April 20 2011, 09:00:04 UTC
[Deep inside, Date has a good feeling that Koujurou is going to somewhat expect this later - the retainer had always seemed very approving of Ieyasu, and more than ever Date can see why too. Now he certainly can believe better that he’s made a good choice in making this alliance - at least now, things were far more secure than they had been when he first arrived alone and lost in this strange new world.

Spoon still in his mouth, the older samurai blinks once at the proffered hand before he returns it with one of his own, sealing their words and their bond with a handshake. As a samurai, his word was his bond... and his handshake just cemented the alliance that would hold them together for as long as they were able to maintain it - and Date hopes that can be for a while, indeed.]

The Oshu-Mikawa alliance. [Said with as much of a grin as he can manage while the spoon was still in-between his teeth. Once the handshake is done though Date reaches out in order to ruffle up the latter’s hair, grinning still.] You’re not that bad at all, Tokugawa. I’m sure we can go places pretty easily.


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