Characters: Rei, Cain
Location: Rei's apartment
Rating: ..>Y-you know what, let's make it R just in case.
Time: Backdated; October 31st, around afternoonish.
Description: Cain comes over to paint the design onto Rei's body. Rei is topless for this entire thread so. Yeah.
[When she needed someone to paint the design on her body, there was really no one she could think of she trusted enough--or who was appropriately aged--to do this...Except Cain.
It was really the wisest course--and he'd told her when she first asked that he had a steady enough hand and could follow the pattern.
She probably should've told him what, exactly, he would be painting though, before she met him at the door with her bathrobe pulled around her]
Ah, good. Please, come in.