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[Outer Residential District Three] [3:30-3:50] [CLOSED] Souji and Jeanne (Yosuke and Kurt) socialinking March 29 2011, 05:59:54 UTC
[He'd hurt a lot of people now. He'd been hurt even more, and yet the vector kept lashing out, almost in time with the alarms going off.

Dimly, he knew he was near more people. Near apartments. He needed to keep running.]


maidoforleans March 30 2011, 00:37:14 UTC
[she'd made it to the church just before all hell broke loose. the screams echoing through the thick stone walls made them all the more eerie, conjuring unpleasant memories of battles and corpses. gripped with terror and uncertain of what was happening, Jeanne had stayed in the church and hoped that the ruckus would pass.

but now it was several hours later and things seemed to have intensified rather than ebbed. she couldn't hide any longer - there were people who needed her, and the only way to help them was to get back to her apartment for coordination. so transforming her right arm into a blade (and thanking God she'd learned how to) Jeanne took off into the night, intent on making it home and hoping she wouldn't have to use her weapon.]


socialinking March 30 2011, 01:27:59 UTC
[Unfortunately, Jeanne was just in his way. It wasn't that he wanted to do her actual harm. But it was still dark, and Souji had found another person.

She would probably only see him for a second or two before the vector went forth and slashed at her.]


maidoforleans March 30 2011, 02:10:09 UTC
[there was a noise, and Jeanne only had time to turn before the thing came at her far too fast to block and this gash in her chest wasn't there a moment before.

she gasps and staggers back, human hand going to fruitlessly try and stem the bleeding. her mind is buzzing with pain and adrenaline now, and the sword goes up in a defensive position. whatever's here is fast, but she has to at least try and fight it off. better to go down and injure it than let it run free.]


socialinking March 30 2011, 02:17:42 UTC
[He'd hit something. Now that he hit something, he stopped, trying to figure out where she actually was, as his eyes adjusted to the light and lack of it.

He grinned, starting to laugh as he slashed again with the vector.]

Some things will never change.


maidoforleans March 30 2011, 02:26:21 UTC
[this time she was more prepared for the attack, and was able to block it. Jeanne wasn't accustomed to fighting something like this - it was as different from English soldiers as could be.

still, she knew that even if visibility was bad that standing around was only going to make her a bigger target. steeling herself for the jarring her next action would cause the injury, she charged forward in the direction (she hoped) of the vector]

Leave us be!


socialinking March 30 2011, 04:36:09 UTC
[If Souji had been in a right state of mind, he would have let her be and moved on. As it was, he stepped to the side and let the vector do the damage to her, slicing through the air like the sound of a whistle.]

Leave us be? Leave us be? There's only you here!


maidoforleans March 31 2011, 01:25:15 UTC
But there are many in the city. [and she wants them all safe.

snick! the vector slices her cheek open, a miss too close for comfort. regardless, Jeanne braces for resistance and swings her sword. if she could get one hit in, even an eventual defeat would be honorable]


socialinking March 31 2011, 05:42:41 UTC
You should worry for yourself! [He yelled at her, the vector attacking again, but it was too close, and he managed to stumble back, the blade cutting his arm. He hadn't expected that, but he yelled wordlessly at her, trying to attack her again and again.]


maidoforleans April 2 2011, 22:45:24 UTC
[for all her spirit, Jeanne was just a normal girl. the vector was coming too fast to completely block, and in the process of trying to shield herself as best she could the thing trips her up and she falls to the ground.

this was rapidly becoming the worst possible scenario. she needed help - what was it they'd said about getting help? curling up to try and avoid the vector cuts, she fumbles to get her comm out]



socialinking April 3 2011, 06:25:50 UTC
[As soon as his latest victim was on the ground, Souji took a step forward, about to attack again before he saw something blinking. Not that he knew what it was, but it sent his animalistic rage into a blind panic, and he stumbled back and away, hesitating for just a second before he turned and ran again.

He'd do enough damage in other places.]


maidoforleans April 4 2011, 02:05:05 UTC
[Jeanne hadn't been expecting that at all. letting out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding, she let her body unclench and slowly ease out of the ball it had been in.

she knew she should get up and go...go where? to the clinic? to warn someone? it didn't matter. she was hurt and tired now. for the moment at least, all she wants to do is stay on the ground]


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