Training time! [OPEN]

Mar 15, 2011 18:25

Characters: OPEN
Location: Training grounds near the park. Part of it’s an obstacle course, too.
Rating: Gen, hopefully.
Time: Morning, October 28 and various dates
Description: Training time. This happens every morning, 6am to 9am, but are mostly handwaved. Your character should know about it, one way or another. A log is put up every month or two, but you are free to assume that your characters attend every morning if they want to. Today's training will double for either days. Coordination post here.

Breakdown of batches and groups are as follows:
Batch 1: Beginners under the age of fifteen. Taught by Prussia, Celty and Fakir.
Batch 2: Adult beginners. Under Ping (Mulan), Saber, Might Gai.
Batch 3: Intermediate fighters, for sparring with each other. Overseen by Germany. Please see list of random sparrers.
Batch 4: Experienced fighters, for sparring with each other. Overseen by Germany. Please see list of random sparrers.
Weapon transformation: How to Change into Your Weapon Form. Spirit, Yuuri, China.
Soul Perception: If you still don’t know by now-- Any of the Soul Perception people. Azusa.
Partner training: How to Work Together as Partners. Kazu. Genesis. Tassadar and Nataku. Maka and Soul.
Weapons handling training: Rock Lee.
Shooting range: How to shoot things 101. Train Heartnet.
Medics: All the medical people.
Audience: Because some people just want to watch.
Watch: An area closed off to the Watch members who need any sort of special training.
Feel free to throw up new threads for characters, especially those who want to try their partnership. Breakfast is served as usual!

For training via sparring, batches 3 and 4:
Date Masamune Kojurou
Itachi Uchiha
Might Gai
Various NPCs (also available upon request)

Partner vs partner sparring is also good!

Misc threads will include FAQ thread and breakfast eating thread.

vergil sparda, elizabeta hedevary (hungary), lili rochefort, equius zahhak, maka albarn, katakura koujurou, aradia megido, michelle cheung, sadiq adnan (turkey), date masamune, fakir, kamui (monou fuuma), cloud strife, karkat vantas, allen walker, soul eater evans, shibuya yuuri, train heartnet, sawada tsunayoshi, hibari kyouya, rose lalonde, auron, ran fan, tassadar, dug, hyuuga neji, yao wong (china), rise kujikawa, kasuga, alex louis armstrong, beyond birthday, oerba dia vanille, kurt hummel, eridan ampora, fa mulan, genesis rhapsodos, !training, noa voilier, momo, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, nago keisuke, yosuke hanamura, ishida mitsunari, jade harley, leon orcot, neku sakuraba, winry rockbell, azusa yumi, selendis, ludwig (germany), black*star, gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), sarah kerrigan, roy mustang, crona, alucard, souji seta

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