That One Log Where Jen and Fuuka Run Around Greece, and Soul Transform Ability is Really Unhelpful

Jan 26, 2011 00:55

Characters: Jenrya Lee (robustgood ) and Fuuka Yamagishi (ohmyjuno )
Location: various places around Greece
Rating: PG? I guess?
Time: Oct 14th - 15th
Description: Jen and Fuuka are off on their very first mission together as a team! Can they track down a tricky kishin egg that never seems to want to stay put?

"Fuuka, this place is amazing! Maybe later, we'll have some time to look around," Jenrya said with a smile as he turned to his partner.

Okay, so admittedly, the young meister was a little excited about this trip. Not that he found the prospect of killing anything very exciting. Taking on the mission to Greece had been his idea, and convincing Fuuka that he'd be careful and not get too banged up had been a little tricky, but in the end they were here, walking down a shabby street with decent traffic and friendly enough locals. Off in the distance was a set of old ruins that made his eyes light up with interest. But investigating old ruins would have to wait until later, he thought, pulling his serious face back on.

He'd wanted come here to figure things out for himself, not just to get a job done for Shibusen or have a good time. As Jen had told his partner before they'd accepted the mission, he wanted to come here in order to figure out how to go about this meister business. As someone who had never fought a kishin, or even never seen one up close, he still held a few doubts about this whole soul eating idea. Through this mission, he hoped to come to a few answers. ...If at all possible, he also hoped to not get his butt handed to him in the inevitable scuffle that awaited them too, but he'd meet that challenge when it came.

!mission, jenrya lee, fuuka yamagishi

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