Characters: Sandrilene fa Toren and Vriska Serket
Location: Some back alley somewhere around the clinic
Rating: Vriska puts it at a PG at the least.
Time: Late Evening, October 4
Description: Sandry is wandering around since she can't sleep. Too bad spiders lurk at night.
who would be out this late at night? )
"Generally, people introduce themselves before sneaking up on others." Despite the startling appearance, she wasn't really afraid; there were stranger people out there, after all.
"Maybe where you come from," Vriska didn't quite mask the sneer that accompanied the sentiment, but it was mostly harmless; she was mostly just giving this white-skinned alien a hard time. Mostly. It changed to something of a smirk. "But where I come from, that pretty much defeats the point." It was a not very subtle way of saying that if she'd wanted to introduce herself, she already damn well would have.
But she didn't.
Lowering her weapon of choice only slightly, she looked for signs that this could be some sort of kidnapper. Maybe the witches had created a new type of monster.
"It seems there are a lot of differences between worlds, then," she remarked. Her voice was firm, although she was busy preparing for anything to happen. Sandry couldn't keep herself from being nosy, though. "You're not working for the witches, are you?"
"So. Where ya headed? It's getting pretty laaaaaaaate for your kind to be out and about." She flashed another grin, full of sharp, dangerous fangs and a tinge of malice.
"I was just wandering. I couldn't sleep, and it seemed like the best idea." Despite the fact that nothing was really open at this hour, Sandry didn't feel like telling the stranger that she had been in the clinic. Although the bandaged hands probably gave her away, as well as the stiffness in her spine. She mentally cursed herself for wandering around in the dark.
"What are you doing out, then? And your kind, what does that mean?"
The troll gaze Sandry another once-over, then crossed her arms over her chest, planting one foot up against the wall.
"I can tell you've got pointed teeth, a skin color that is certainly different than white, and do you always wander around at night? Is it a hobby?" She couldn't help the curiosity that leaked into her voice at the end. Despite the dangerous situation, she was fairly curious.
"I'm sure as hell not crazy enough to walk around in it here."
"Except here you are, wandering around like a little lost pupa. We're gonna have to do something about that."
"It's not mine, but it's similar enough. Was...Alternia? Was it really that different?" Other worlds were fascinating to Sandry; she frequently wondered what exactly made it so easy for BREW to reach through space and pluck people from different worlds, to place them here. It wasn't exactly a good train of thought, but did a lot to pass the time. However, now wasn't the time or place for daydreaming.
"Pupa--? Wait, what do you mean, do something about that?"
The troll nearly let go in surprise.
"The fuck?" Her grip tightened around the bruised flesh and she pulled, twisting Sandry's arm the other way a bit roughly. "What the hell is wrong with your skin?" It was... soft, all pliable and... not much like proper skin at all. There was no chitin. Just... soft tissue. She frowned.
"... Whatever, we'll talk about that later. C'mon." She turned, hauling Sandry with her as she headed for the Communal.
"There's nothing wrong with my skin! It's normal." However, the other girl's skin felt different...alien, certainly. But any question she had about that was momentarily put aside as she was dragged towards the Communal.
"Wait, where are we going?"
In all honesty, Vriska should have expected such incomprehension, but she didn't much care. She had an ulterior motive here, and that motive was... well, that motive was, at the moment, slightly overshadowed by her contempt and disbelief regarding Sandry's human fragility. Nevermind how she'd gotten injured--she might get that story sooner or later, depending on how interesting it promised to be--what kind of idiot wandered around during their worst part of the cycle hurt and practically unarmed?
Hopefully the kind of idiot who had something better to offer.
"Fine, you don't have to pull!" She was about as ready to walk with the other girl as to run away, but she refused to come out of this night with no information. At least it would prove to be a tale to tell.
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