Characters: Vriska Serket and Franziska von Karma.
Location: Casualty Communal to Death by Pastry
Rating: PG-13 (Some language)
Time: October 4th, day
Description: Vriska and Franziska meet and talk over... cake?!
Vriska didn't actually bother responding to the posting again once Franziska had agreed to meet. She'd set up in her new respiteblock, then immediately gone exploring, wandering the city and using her vision eightfold to get an unauthorised look inside the buildings that probably should have been off limits--she'd done this all night, in fact, only heading back when dawn threatened to come back over the horizon. Like any smart troll, she'd decided that was the time to seek shelter.
(Besides, if the moon looked like that, what the hell was the sun going to be? She didn't dare look out the window to check.)
Now she slammed the communicator shut, then shoved her chair back and headed for the door. She didn't plan on warning the human; she wanted to catch her off guard, and hoped secretly (or not so secretly) to perhaps shock her a little with the difference in appearance--no planning, but it was hard to plan when you knew nothing about the other person, and there was no way to find out more, especially not subtly, and especially not on such short notice. Besides, she was fully confident in her ability to wing it.
Besides, the sooner she sprang this one, the better.
With that in mind, Vriska crossed the hall and stopped in front of Franziska's door, looking through the solid wood to see her before knocking on it--eight times.