[closed] [incomplete]

Nov 30, 2010 22:53

Characters: THE DISCONCERTINGLY-DRESSED DUO jokeralwayswins and nebensonne.
Location: CC 2C.
Rating: PG for now.
Time: Just after he's done with Ciel, anddd this.
Description: Hisoka and Giovanni get together to avoid hackers ruining their intimate moment. I'm honestly done posting logs now - Sorry for spam!

What do you think I saw in that future where I'd been gone for ten years and he was left with you?

It's not his future anymore, so that means you'll never know.

Giovanni has to wonder about that.

He's been making a lot of housecalls lately, between one thing or another. It's kind of a distant realisation as he descends from Ciel's floor to Hisoka's, his hands loose at his sides. He takes the stairs with small, rapid steps, twists his heel and keeps on going, never falters or hesitates or stops to consider where his feet are landing. Well, maybe this kind of thing is inevitable once you start racking up enemies, and maybe he actually appreciates it, how busy it's keeping him. A lot like home, where even resting in his sterile room still meant planning, where nothing kept still after the long, long held breath that had come before. It was all explosions and motion, now. It was all one big race to see who could pre-empt who, who'd overcome who, and who had the biggest teeth.

... Maybe they're getting to the point where they can breathe and bite and move here, too. And he wonders if the explosions will be anywhere near as good as they were at home, if they'd end up seeing something worthwhile. Maybe.

But it won't be the same, will it.

He stops at the right floor - the second, right above his own - and he turns down the long corridor, walks towards the bright gold light that pours in through the window at the other end and captures all the dust. It's hot along here. He supposes this side of the building is fully exposed to the sun.

Well. Enemies aside, he's been making allies, as well. In the loosest sense of the word, at least. Enemies seem to come with them, lately, and it's more clear here than it had been at home, what with the vast expanding network of people who have a constant voice on demise, who play their cards so openly. Even him, now that he thinks about it. Even Hisoka. Even with distance between them, some dogs can't help but fight each other, and there's no harm in that. Playing games. That's what they're good for.

But it's also sterile, with all the intimacy and intensity and proximity of a generic house call. So if they're going to sink their teeth in, if they're going to do something to throw off that tenuous balance, discretion is their only option.

( Lay low, soften your breathing, wait.

And then you stand up. )

So there he is, standing at Hisoka's door, looking at the number, and he finally stops. Just stands, and looks at the small fisheye lens that focuses down on whoever stands where he's standing, and he smooths his somewhat ruffled jacket out. His brow furrows, slightly.

... It's a fairly generic door. Somehow, he expected something different.

Unlike with Ciel, he bothers to knock.

giovanni rammsteiner, hisoka

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