(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 23:41

Characters: Grell Sutcliff  ( red_unrequited ) and William T. Spears ( dontcrossmyline )
Location: 6th floor, Casualty Communal
Rating: PG for language?  Or just Grell?
Time: September 22nd, at an UNGODLY hour!
Description: An engagement, an army, and Sebast-chan!  Grell can't contain himself!

"William!  Will!  Are  you awake?  Wake up!"

Thus Grell Sutcliff.  Not twenty-four hours into his enforced imprisonment, and he has already worked himself into a tizzy.   Were he at home, he'd have burst into William's office, made a nuisance of himself and then stormed out, typically through an open window (the laws of physics in general, and gravity in particular, being mere suggestions to Shinigami).  But here, in Death City, in Casualty Communal, bothering William is not just a working hours opportunity....

"Wake UP!"

grell sutcliff, william t spears

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