Characters: Everyone who got sick and/or injured because of the rains, flooding, and/or kishin eggs. And whoever else who wants to pop by for any check ups, clinic duties, medic stuff, or visiting. ANYONE AT ALL.
Location: Horrorspital (the clinic near the Communal)
Rating: PG for safety
Time: Any time between September 14 - 17.
Description: See: characters.
It's been a rough time for the city! It was a good thing the clinic was equipped with plenty of space, blankets, and most important, a kitchenette from which chicken soup was boiling day and night for comfort. All over, the sounds of sneezing broke the constant patter of rain and the occasional roar of a flood passing by below. It was a good thing the clinic was pretty high up...
ooc: Just make the threads that you like with this in the subject header:
Feel free to hop around and hit each other up.