Characters: Kanji Tatsumi
specialcracker and Raidou Kuzunoha
justtubeitLocation: Raidou, Naoto, and Kanji's apartment
Rating: G for now? (and forever~)
Time: September 8, Afternoon
Description: Kanji winds up back in the apartment, soaking wet on a hot day, with a stray cat. He has no idea what to do with it.
The closed as quickly as it had opened as Kanji entered the apartment, a little round ball of fluff bundled up in the bottom half of his shirt. He paused and then took a few furtive glances around before he ventured further into the living room, after leaving his shoes by the front door, of course. He wasn't dumb enough to track water into the room, and it was a lot easier to be sneaky when he didn't have to worry about his soles slapping on the hardwood floor. You could never be too safe.
Though he really didn't make a very good ninja.
He moved into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, transferring the little fuzzy thing from his shirt and wrapping it up before it could escape. Safe. One step down, only a few more to go before he was in the clear.
He crept into the kitchen and set the toweled bundle on the kitchen counter. It wiggled a little but stayed still for the most part. Kanji bread a sighed of relief. "Okay, what the hell do I feed ya?" he mumbled to himself, pawing around the kitchen for something, anything. He wasn't an expert at these kinds of things, and it wasn't like he wanted to ask anyone anyway. He shook his head and reached into the fridge, producing a carton of milk. Did he have to warm this thing up, or was it good to drink cold...?
Well, it was pretty hot out, which didn't explain why he was soaking wet. So, cold it was. Now, he just needed a good bowl...