I've always been the tower...

Sep 13, 2010 21:39

Characters: eatwhenimsad & nerdable
Location: Shouichi & Spanner's apartment
Rating: PG
Time: September 7, evening
Description: Byakuran makes a "get well" visit!

...But now I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow. )

shouichi irie, byakuran

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nerdable September 14 2010, 02:57:35 UTC
Shouichi was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling because he was bored out of his mind. Having injuries and not being able to do much was boring, and he wished he could find something to do. He had gone around and met that Enma kid, and also helped Raidou...but what else could he do. Hearing the door knock, he figured it was Yoko coming to make sure he was still in the apartment again.

After a rather long process of wincing and groaning, he was up and going to the door, holding his side. It was still so painful, but he didn't want to sit down.

Opening the door, Shouichi noticed who it was and promptly shut the door in his face.


ieatwhenimsad September 14 2010, 03:09:19 UTC
Byakuran just laughed when the door was closed in his face. It was a great response, but he really did want to come in. So he decided to open the door himself, relying on superior strength to muscle it open.

"Really Shou-chan, how rude. I'm not here to hurt you, this time."


nerdable September 14 2010, 03:24:43 UTC
Shouichi, attempting to push the door, made a loud noise of pain and fell back, panting and clutching his side. This was really annoying. How was he supposed to keep the other away if he couldn't overpower him. Sighing, he waited for the pain to subside a little before he could get up.

"Well then what do you want?"


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 01:07:03 UTC
"You know, last time I was a little bit... not myself." He laughed, closing the door behind him and wandering in to look around. So, this was where Shouichi was living...

He sat on the arm of the couch, and pulled the thermos out of the paper bag he'd been carrying it in, setting it on the nearest available hard surface. Following that, he took out a slim vase and a small bouquet of yellow and orange lilies.

"I brought you a get-well present."


nerdable September 19 2010, 01:53:30 UTC
Shouichi frowned. A little bit? He had gone completely off his rocker! Sighing, he looked at the thermos and flowers a little wearily, eyeing them with suspicion. After all, he had every right to be suspicious of a man who said he wanted him dead two weeks ago.

"...I apologize if I seem a little apprehensive, Byakuran-san." He said, his voice tense.


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 02:04:39 UTC
He did have a right, and a good reason. Byakuran still wanted Shouichi dead -- but he wanted to keep his profile low for now, and being openly hostile was not the way to do it. So he'd play games instead -- the charade was fun.

He went into the kitchen, and helped himself to water for the vase, which he set on the counter, proceeding to arrange the flowers. It only took a few moments, and the bouquet was set gently on the coffee table beside the soup.

"Of course you should worry. I'm not a nice person, right?"


nerdable September 19 2010, 02:13:52 UTC
"Then why are you here." Shouichi said, still looking defensive and not doing anything about the soup. Half build robots and parts were everywhere, he could easily defend himself if need be.

Not that he thought that was a good idea, considering he still had a scar on the side of his head and two broken ribs. Shouichi winced again, having stood up for a little too much and made too many quick movements.


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 02:21:03 UTC
Byakuran laughed, and moved to take Shou's shoulders. The man obviously needed to sit down and relax, before he hurt too much. Speaking of injuries, though, Byakuran's face was still discoloured with a bruise across his cheek, though he didn't show any signs of pain -- it hadn't been a bad fracture, and it was bearable enough not to make a fuss about.

"Because I've changed my mind, for now. Sit."


nerdable September 19 2010, 02:28:57 UTC
Shouichi frowned but sat, looking up to the other, still unsure about this. Finally, when the pain subsided a little, he settled back on the couch and sighed. It was starting to get annoying.

"I don't think you'd change your mind that fast." He said disapprovingly.


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 02:33:41 UTC
"I thought a lot. And like I said, it's only for now. I'm sure things will revert eventually. But you're of more use alive, right now."

Byakuran pulled up a chair on the opposite side of the table, and went to pour the soup. He smiled brightly, offering the little bowl and spoon to Shouichi with a light laugh.

"Here, let's pretend to be friends."


nerdable September 19 2010, 02:41:41 UTC
Shouichi decided he would humor the other, but still be on his guard. Taking the soup, he drank it slowly. It acutally wasn't that bad. "Hey..This is good." Shouichi stated in obvious surprise.

Did Byakuran fix this?


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 02:54:02 UTC
"I made it myself." He decided to omit the multiple tries and help -- he figured Shouichi would assume that someone had helped anyway, since Byakuran never could cook in college either.

"It might be drugged, though." It wasn't. But it was fun to tease Shouichi.


nerdable September 19 2010, 02:59:54 UTC
Shouichi, who had been sipping it while Byakuran was talking, spit out what was in his mouth, then, because he slipped, the soup flipped out of his hand andonto his lap. Shouichi, in a moment of frustration, cursed loudly and got up to clean himself up.

"Byakuran-san!" He said loudly, losing his temper right off.


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 03:11:52 UTC
Byakuran's response was, of course, to laugh heartily. Really, Shouichi was so jumpy! Although, it was a little sad to see good food wasted like that. It was his own fault, but he'd ignore that fact.

"It isn't, you know. That wouldn't be friendly."


nerdable September 19 2010, 04:08:21 UTC
Shouichi's ears started to become a little red as it was clear he was attempting to holding back his temper. "Byakuran-san, drugging someone isn't funny as a joke, considering the current state of injury I have." He said, his fists clenched.

God, he was so infuriating.


ieatwhenimsad September 19 2010, 04:22:58 UTC
"It could have been painkilling!" Byakuran only looked amused, and stayed right where he was, relaxed in the chair. Shouichi's angry face always did make him happy.

"Calm down, or you'll hurt yourself."


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