[OPEN] Training

Sep 08, 2010 12:18

Characters: OPEN
Location: Training grounds. Part of it’s an obstacle course, too.
Rating: Gen, hopefully.
Time: Morning, September 6
Description: Training time. This happens every morning, 6am to 9am, but are mostly handwaved. A log is put up every month, but you are free to assume that your characters attend every morning if they want to.

It was terribly, terribly hot today, but Germany didn't really give much of a damn. He had survived the weekend and life was good if a little confusing. He wondered if that was perhaps the heat instead.

Ah, well. Peace would last, etcetera.

He should take care of that silly petition Italien had been up to.

Breakdown of batches and groups are as follows:
Batch 1: Beginners under the age of fifteen. Taught by Prussia and Laura.
Batch 2: Adult beginners. Under Ping (Mulan), Lightning, Roy, and Hughes.
Batch 3: Intermediate fighters, for sparring. Overseen by Germany and Italy. Date Masamune for random sparring.
Batch 4: Experienced fighters, for sparring. Overseen by Germany and Italy.
Weapon transformation: How to Change into Your Weapon Form. Spirit and Neku.
Soul Perception: If you still don’t know by now… Any of the Soul Perception people.
Partner training: How to Work Together as Partners. Sid, Rise, Canada, China and Arashi.
Weapons handling training: Rock Lee
Medics: Self-explanatory.
Audience: Because some people just want to watch.
Misc: Random NPCs may pass by.
You are also free to make your own threads at the bottom, for whatever else you want your characters to do. For example, testing out resonation.

vergil sparda, ryuugamine mikado, kida masaomi, spirit albarn, laura kinney, yoko ritona, adah price, franziska von karma, nill, fa mulan, !training, clovis la britannia, arisato minato, feliciano vargas (north italy), fuuka yamagishi, ludwig (germany), ema skye, roy mustang, rise kujikawa, jules de ferrier

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