de-faulty-cloud &
wutaisroseLocation: Football Field.
Rating: PG - PG-13?
Time: September 5th, evening - after
Description: Yuffie wants to figure out her ability, she's been told the best way to do it is in battle so she 'suggested' a fight with Cloud.
Ready, steady, go! )
Comments 33
Still, Yuffie smirked at him, hands on her hips and head held high. "Did you need to stretch first? I know old guys like you can't handle too much exercise. You might break a hip or something." Not that he was old, because she had to remember that he was still the younger Cloud she had known three years ago, but that didn't stop her from teasing him anyway ( ... )
Stretching was for wimps. Yuffie had to bite her tongue, but it did her no good and she gave a quick, "Exactly why I was asking." Sometimes she just couldn't hold those comments back, but the grin across her lips made up for it.
Yuffie snickered, looking him over as he had done to her. "Of course it's an unfair advantage! I didn't bring any of that stuff, you can't use it either." Otherwise she would just go around telling people the only reason he won was because he cheated. Oh, wait. Should'a let him keep it. The thought came too late but she sighed and brushed it off. "That was a long time ago, you're just mad because I don't think of ( ... )
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