Light up the dancer dyed in scarlet

Aug 22, 2010 20:42

Characters: Belphegor, Mammon, Hayato Gokudera
Location: Squalo's apartment
Rating: PG-13 to R. This is Varia we're talking about.
Time: Sept. 1, later in the evening
Description: The effects from the previous day are taking a bit longer to wear off on Bel's mind. Mammon babysits while MamaShark is out and Dera drops in to make sure the knife bastard is still alive.

It was funny, in a way. He was a genius, and yet he couldn't understand such simply obvious things. Mammon showing up at dinner didn't really surprise him much. He had figured Squalo got in contact with the others easily enough. But what he wasn't expecting was the feeling of guilt that hit him. He knew it couldn't be seen, but he knew it was there.

Part of him wondered briefly if Mammon had gotten anyone to take care of the wound or if he tried to do it himself. But he couldn't ask. Not only that, he was rather certain he had lost whatever he was trying to gain with the dynamite brat by snapping like that. The boy didn't understand, didn't know what Varia really was about. Bel was starting to wonder if he was even capable of understanding at such a young age.

When Squalo had left him alone with the former Arcobaleno, Bel really didn't know what he was supposed to say. His mind was still reeling, dripping with the desire to sink a knife into flesh... But, oddly, Mammon being around weakened that feeling. He supposed it had something to do with this world, with this partner thing. He vaguely remembered the day on the mountain. It had been easier for him to focus, even with the Madness, when he had been using his Weapon.

He tried not to think about much though, since he didn't even know what to say. He stretched out on the couch, not even wincing as his injuries were pulled. Luckily, no blood had leaked through the white bandages over his chest and arm yet. He should have been wearing a shirt, just in case, but he didn't feel like it right now. Even if it meant his own eyes could travel down to that crescent mark and remember things better left for a day when he wasn't half crazed.

After a while of not knowing what to say, he finally spoke up. "Mammon~ The prince is bored~"

mammon, gokudera hayato, belphegor

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