[closed to birds of prey.]

Aug 11, 2010 19:32

Characters: Altair and Ezio.
Location: Rooftops of Death City.
Rating: PG-13...? Maybe?
Time: Early morning, August 30th.
Description: So they meet again. On the rooftops of peril.

[it was as much for keeping in practice as it was for keeping an eye on the city-- less the latter part, lately, since he'd begun to know the streets as well as he knew the ones of Acre, but it was better to think this running had a point rather than just being something for enjoyment. no, he wasn't good at simply enjoying himself. it was a waste of time, on top of being bound to lead him to thinking of all the things he should have been doing.]

[in short, Altair needed a new distraction.]

[in long, he was in denial over that fact, and so turned to the most enjoyable-yet-work-related thing he could: lunging off one roof, landing on a balcony, hoisting up to the next roof, repeating. testing wires and poles and window ledges. mapping out plans for where to take Nataku during the next training session. so on. he was still in his assassin's robes, but the sun's glare and bright blue sky might do its own parts in making that look unnoticeable.]

[anything unrelated to the city and the city alone would be ignored, for a moment.]

ezio auditore, altair ibn la'ahad

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