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willyoumarieme July 13 2010, 15:31:03 UTC
Unhappy didn't even begin to describe how she felt. Grabbed on the night of an important dinner date, kept shackled in a cell for months without even so much as an interrogation attempt, heckled daily by Witches with lizard tails (and death wishes)... They wouldn't let her shower, had forever ruined her good dress, and furthermore allowed her make-up to run and cake and crack in grotesque patterns on her face. She felt awful and disgusting and they rubbed it in with every visit, cackling to themselves about how unsightly women were when they crested marriageable age.

No, Marie Mjolnir wasn't unhappy, she was seething! She had faced months of humiliation, but today there would be payback. Today she had managed to inch a toe forward, to stretch herself enough to touch the metal bars that held her. She had practiced, had channeled a strong electrical current through them, and now she waited for the next petty Witch to come close enough to feel the lightning sting of her scorn...

((OOC: First one of you around that corner is going to get zapped, so choose Sasuke well.))


ask and ye shall receive xD blindingrevenge July 13 2010, 20:18:13 UTC
Whatever mistake Sasuke had made before, he still knew how to function as a ninja. Once this new information came up, dark eyes and squared on Maka's face, and he nodded firmly. This was getting into dangerous territory, especially with Marie right around the corner. Whatever dangers they'd faced with kishin would be nothing compared to a witch if the rumors were true. And he doubted a prisoner of such high priority wouldn't be guarded by one.

Sasuke slipped back to the head of the group, where he'd been most of the way in. His left hand came out, blocking them from passing him as he leaned against the wall, listening for any tread of footsteps. When he heard nothing, his arm lowered and he inched forward to peek around- and only saw who he had to guess was their target. She was caged like an animal, and though it made something inside Sasuke's stomach twist uncomfortably, his face betrayed nothing.

"Clear," He murmured, before standing and moving boldly around the corner towards the cage.


willyoumarieme July 14 2010, 02:04:23 UTC
As he did, lightning arced menacingly between the bars. The woman-animal-beast in the cell glared full force at him, not seeing a boy ninja from Konoha, but some small, squeaky Witch with a cracking voice.

Marie's visible eye twitched. Twitched more. Remembering every injustice, every jab at her, every flaunted curve and paraded soldier-kishin boyfriend. "Got you!" She cried, her triumph quickly joined by a deafening thunderclap. The crash of thunder was like a tempest of furies clawing viciously at their victim, and the lightning strike was so close that the sound came before the white-hot sear of pain.




blindingrevenge July 14 2010, 02:31:56 UTC
Generally, when on a rescue mission and finding the individual you were searching for, one wasn't expecting an attack. Safe to say, the last thing Sasuke expected was to have a charge of electricity grabbing him. The sound hit him first, the thunder and the crack of energy, and then the searing burn as though his chidori had been turned on himself. It snatched him up and didn't let him go, and no amount of training could have stopped the scream that ripped from his chest.

Lifted clear off his feet with the violence of the attack, Sasuke hit the ground hard, tumbled once and landed half curled on his side against Saralegui's ankles. He tremored, breath knocked clear out of him and his clothing still smoking, sparks lighting from the tips of his hair. Back in his world it might not have hurt so much, since lightning was his element on top of fire, but here- where his powers had all but been stripped- it more than stung a little.


lavenderglasses July 14 2010, 03:07:19 UTC
Certainly no one expected the lightning strike that came, and by the time Sara had registered it, his Weapon was quite literally at his feet and looking a bit singed.

For the first few seconds, he simply blinked and glanced down to make sure that, yes, the very solid thing lying on his feet was indeed Sasuke. After that, while a very large part of him wanted nothing more than to smirk and tell him he'd deserved it -- and he really did, no one could deny that much -- but unfortunately he couldn't go that far; not as long as Maka and Soul were around, anyway. Especially with people affiliated with Shibusen that he might one day have a use for, it was important that he came across as a much more innocent, forgiving sort of person.

So, frowning, he crouched down and laid a hand on the double-black's shoulder, giving him a shake. Not a very gentle one, especially for someone who was likely injured, but he needed to be punished at least a little. "Sasuke! Are you alright?" he said, layering his tone with the correct amount of worry, before glancing up at Marie and shooting her a glare. "What's wrong with you?!"


fearless_tech July 15 2010, 20:44:54 UTC
Maka stared at the fallen Sasuke. For one split second, she was unsure of how to react, but seeing that Saralegui was there to make sure he was fine (and a small part of her knew that shock was deserved), she ran up closer towards the bars holding their teacher. While the attack was unexpected, she could understand that it was just a defense mechanism. She knew Marie would never try to hurt them on purpose, and anyone would be jumpy after being held by witches and kishin eggs for this long.

"Professor!" Maka held up Soul, pausing to look at her. "Stand back, Soul and I will get you out of there."

With that, she swung down hard, intent on breaking the bars that held her.


willyoumarieme July 17 2010, 08:15:32 UTC
"Maka-chan! Soul-kun!"

There is obvious relief in Marie's voice, and joy too, as Maka comes into view. The petty vindictiveness evident a moment ago vanishes entirely, returning Marie to the pathetic, disheveled creature she was when they first arrived. Still, even when given that taste of impending freedom, some (maternal) instincts die hard.

"Maka, be careful! I took care of a Witch just now, but there might be more nearby. Don't let them surprise you!"


blindingrevenge July 17 2010, 08:20:28 UTC
Sasuke's expression crumpled when Sara shook him roughly, and his eyes slit open to shoot a glare up at his partner. Even if he'd only known the guy personally for a little while, he knew better than to believe the false sympathy in his voice. His jaw clenched, ears humming from the sting of the electricity- but he would be virtually useless like this. His arms and legs were still numb, so he closed his eyes and grunted- pulled on the reserve of his weapon form and changed into the black fabric of his blindfold.

It eased the ache enough for Sasuke's head to clear, and though the fabric tremored with the effort, he coiled forward like a snake across Sara's arm, towards his face. Sure, his body might be weak, but there was nothing wrong with his eyes, and Sasuke wasn't the sort to give up when things still needed to be done. Either way, once he'd found his resting spot, his voice was a growled murmur in his meister's ear: "Bastard."


lavenderglasses July 17 2010, 18:53:54 UTC
Sara glanced over to their thrilled target as she spoke with Maka and Soul, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "No, you didn't," he chimed in with a frown, before returning his attention to Sasuke, now in weapon form and sliding up his arm.

He caught the ends of the fabric to help it up the last few inches, bowing his head and reaching back to tie it in place. As he did, with his head lowered and his hair hiding his face from the others, he whispered back, "You deserved it. Be grateful I'm leaving the punishment at that."


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