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sandsworn July 10 2010, 01:58:23 UTC
Gaara stood near the edge of the encampment, his arms crossed over his chest and his shoulders tense. He hadn't gotten as much sleep as he'd wanted last night; he'd spent most of the night lying awake, thinking about the mission ahead. Of course, he was used to insomnia, but he'd hoped to be well-rested for this. And something about this place, about the very air, made it worse. His thoughts drifted down dark paths. He kept imagining all the ways in which this mission could go wrong, and every scenario ended with Lee being severely injured or killed...with Gaara failing to protect him.

He forced his mind back to the present. He had to stay focused.

He'd lost sight of Lee on the way there. Now, he scanned the group of assembled meisters and weapons, searching for his distinctive green jumpsuit and bowl-cut.


verdant_lotus July 10 2010, 02:11:33 UTC
In contrast to the seeming majority of those gathered, Lee was fully awake and alert. It helped, of course, that he normally rose at four. It was important to get an early start on the day, and it'd become moreso when faced with the heat of Death City. Having the opportunity to get early training in before the sun rose and the city became near-intolerable had become important. Of course, it probably would've been easier if Lee hadn't been wearing spandex and legwarmers, but he had no intent to change his style of dress ( ... )


sandsworn July 10 2010, 02:18:46 UTC
As Lee approached, some of the tension eased out of his shoulders. Still, his heart beat faster than normal, and sweat dampened his palms. "Yes." He didn't feel ready, but admitting that would only make things worse. He hoped the training with Kuroro and Kurapika would pay off. He hadn't worn the gourd at all for the past few days, but still, his back and shoulders felt naked without it. "What about you?"


verdant_lotus July 10 2010, 02:25:14 UTC
Lee was no more willing to admit to the nervous tension that plagued him. It was probably just the normal nerves before a big battle, he told himself. Nothing to be worried about. Nervousness was just anticipation, after all. He'd have been able to believe it more if it'd been Gai saying it, while Tenten rolled her eyes and Neji looked down his nose at their teacher despite Gai being taller. Lee put on a smile anyway, and nodded. "Have you seen Tassadar-san and his partner yet? It would be good to go over strategy more, while we still have time."


sandsworn July 10 2010, 02:31:58 UTC
"Not yet. But you're right, we should find them." Tassadar, at least, was easy to spot in a crowd. Gaara scanned the campsite, but after a moment, his gaze drifted back to Lee's face.

Despite his forced smile, Lee's too-honest features couldn't hide his uncertainty. It troubled Gaara to see him like that. If there was anything in this strange world he could count on, it was Lee's indomitable spirit. If even he was feeling this dread... "Lee, does the air here feel...strange to you?"


verdant_lotus July 10 2010, 02:35:00 UTC
Lee's brow drew together slightly. He started to say no, but he paused and focused. It wasn't so much the air as something inward, he thought- but it wasn't like Lee to be this antsy before a mission. He'd been going on them regularly for five years, after all, and even if this one was different, it was still routine. Mission briefing, distinct goals, set teams of four and all. He had reason to be a little worried- after all, Gaara was new to physical combat- but not to the extent he was. "I feel nervous," he said finally, looking at Gaara. "On edge. Moreso than I should."


sandsworn July 10 2010, 02:46:33 UTC
"So do I. It's something about this place, I think. It's influencing our emotions. But I don't know if there's anything we can do about it. We just have to keep our minds focused." He looked at Lee. Neither one of them had any experience with this type of battle. The idea of sitting out this mission had seemed unthinkable to Gaara, but now, he wondered if they would have been better off taking more time to train. No--he shook his head, as if to shake off the thoughts. Doubting themselves now wouldn't do any good. They were here, and they had to do this.

Training, he thought. Training would be good. It would occupy their minds. "Let's find our teammates." He strode toward the center of the encampment.


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